The Strategic Priorities of Colorado Christian University

Colorado Christian University's Strategic Priorities were adopted by the CCU Board of Trustees to serve as a guiding compass for the University. They direct the implementation of CCU's long-established mission and provide context for our first priority — an enduring commitment to Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. The Strategic Priorities provide a point of convergence for every member of the CCU community and for every aspect of life at CCU, from how we teach and learn in the classroom to how we live with and serve others.

Colorado Christian University shall:

  • Honor Christ and share the love of Christ on campus and around the world
  • Teach students to trust the Bible, live holy lives, and be evangelists
  • Be a magnet for outstanding students and prepare them for positions of significant leadership in the church, business, government, and professions by offering an excellent education in strategic disciplines
  • Teach students how to learn
  • Teach students how to think for themselves
  • Teach students how to speak and write clearly and effectively
  • Give students significant opportunities to serve our Lord while they are at CCU and to help them develop a lifetime habit of such service
  • Impact our culture in support of traditional family values, sanctity of life, compassion for the poor, Biblical view of human nature, limited government, personal freedom, free markets, natural law, original intent of the Constitution, and Western civilization
  • Be seekers of truth
  • Debunk "spent ideas" and those who traffic in them
  • Ask God to multiply our time and ability to the glory of His great name
  • Be a servant of the Church
  • Be a great university

Here We Stand

"Here We Stand" affirms the defining features that set CCU apart from other universities, through its mission, convictions, beliefs, and strategic priorities, uniquely and unapologetically true to its original Christian vision.

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