Transcript FAQs for Students

Questions and Answers About Your CCU Transcript

If you are a Colorado Christian University student who needs to request and send an official CCU transcript, find answers to commonly asked questions below. For additional questions, please contact your student advisor or Registration Services at CCU.

Is my CCU electronic PDF transcript secure?

The CCU electronic transcript is downloaded from a secure web site as a PDF document, and is protected by an electronic signature. The electronic signature guarantees that the transcript was sent from CCU Registration Services and that the transcript has not been altered.

Is my CCU electronic transcript an official transcript?

Yes, it is an official document from Colorado Christian University. The content of the transcript is identical to a printed transcript. The electronic signature of the University registrar appears on the transcript.

What are the advantages of electronic transcripts?

  • Delivered within 2-4 business days after processing your order
  • You are notified when the recipient receives the official transcript
  • More reliable than paper transcript delivery
  • No additional fees for expedited delivery
  • Friendly to the environment
  • The preferred documentation by many institutions

Will my university or organization accept an electronic transcript?

It is your responsibility to verify that the recipient will accept delivery of an electronic PDF transcript. If you are sending it to a college or university, you can verify delivery with that institution's admissions or registrar's office.

How long is the electronic transcript available to the recipient?

Your electronic transcript can be downloaded for up to 30 days after it is originally sent. It is the responsibility of the recipient to download the transcript within the allotted time.

Can I order electronic transcripts for delivery to myself?

You can have an electronic transcript sent to yourself via your own e-mail address. However, virtually all colleges and universities will only accept e-transcripts as official transcripts if the transcripts have been sent directly to them from the transferring institution.

E-transcripts sent to external institutions directly from students are considered unofficial transcripts.

Do I need any special software on my computer?

You may use any web browser, but it will help if you have the most recent version. We do not recommend using Safari on an Apple or Mac device to view your transcript.

You must have a copy of Adobe Reader 6.04 or higher installed to view the transcript. Get Adobe Reader.

I provided an incorrect e-mail address for my recipient. How can I fix this?

Once a transcript has been ordered, the recipient's email address cannot be changed or updated.  You will need to order a new transcript and use the correct recipient email address.

Can I have my transcript held until my grades are posted or my degree is conferred?

Yes, when you order your transcript online you can indicate that you wish to have your transcript held until your current semester grades or degree have been updated. The conferred date of degree is based upon the term in which the last graduation requirement is completed.

Please note that we can only hold your transcript for one semester. Please do not place a transcript order with a hold for degree (or grades) past the current semester.

I have an unpaid balance on my CCU student account. Will CCU fulfill my transcript request?

Transcripts will not be released to students who have an outstanding financial obligation to the University until all charges have been paid in full or the request meets state law requirements that prevent withholding a transcript for certain reasons. Transcript orders held for outstanding financial balances will be canceled after 15 days if payment in full is not received and if documentation has not been provided demonstrating the request is for an approved reason under state law that prevents the transcript from being held.

I cannot access my unofficial transcript in the CCU student portal? Isn’t CCU required to provide this to me because of Colorado law HB22-1049?

Section 1.4.a requires an institution to adopt a policy that outlines the process by which a student may obtain a transcript and it allows institutions to charge a fee to provide the transcript, consistent with transcript fees charged for all students. CCU’s process is as follows:

  1. The student is required to order and pay for an official transcript through Parchment;
  2. The student must notify CCU by email at that the transcript has been ordered but there is a hold and the transcript is needed for financial aid, military opportunities, and other post-secondary opportunities;
  3. The student must provide evidence that the transcript request meets one of the criteria.

Contact Info

  • Registration Services

    303-963-3230 or 800-44-FAITH
    Fax: 303-963-3231