8 Principles for Effective Christian Business Leadership
Christian business leaders are called to a higher standard of ethical and moral behavior. Your actions and decisions in the workplace do not just impact your career or company but can also have ripple effects that impact your witness for Christ. With that weighty responsibility in mind, here are eight key principles Christian business leaders should follow.
1. Take Inventory Of Work & Life
As a Christian leader, you need to regularly take inventory of all areas of your life to ensure there is nothing that could damage your witness or reputation as a believer. This means examining social media, habits and behaviors outside work, how you spend your free time and even personal relationships. If there is anything questionable or aspects about your lifestyle that may cause others to stumble, have accountability with mature Christian mentors to make the necessary changes. Scripture calls us to avoid even the appearance of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:22), so conduct a frequent and prayerful personal inventory to make a positive impact in your personal and professional life.
As part of taking regular inventory, also examine priorities and time spent on various activities. Be sure your schedule aligns with principles found in God’s Word and that things like reading the Bible, prayer, fellowship, and attending worship are cornerstones woven into the fabric of life, not occasional add-ons. Taking consistent inventory and aligning all areas of life to God’s will for us is crucial for effectiveness as Christian leaders.
2. Make Ethical Decisions
Christian leaders must have reputations beyond reproach regarding ethics and decision-making on the job. Guard your thoughts and ask God for wisdom daily so decisions align with principles like honesty, fairness, and the Golden Rule. Also, be cautious regarding rationalizing or justifying anything questionable by using careful filters and counsel when needed. Leaders set the ethical tone for an entire organization. Make sure decisions can stand up to time and scrutiny because subordinates will follow suit.
“The starting point for me is the Bible,” said Dr. Letta Campbell, a Professor of Management and Business in the College of Adult and Graduate Studies at Colorado Christian University. “If you really look at the parables, and you really look and understand the importance of leading and working, you understand that it comes from a value-driven system. People want to be treated like they matter and can have an impact.”
Also, keep in mind that secular environments may apply different standards, but as believers, your bar is higher because you represent Christ. Do not compromise His standards no matter the pressure or financial incentives dangled as reward. And when faced with difficult dilemmas, consult mentors and thoroughly pray through all options. Upholding ethical excellence should be non-negotiable for Christian business leaders.
3. Focus on Integrity
Honesty and integrity must be hallmarks for leaders who follow Jesus. Half-truths or embellished facts erode trust rapidly. Even small or “harmless” lies planted will destroy credibility over time. That means no exaggerations on resumes, telling the full truth to customers and clients even when inconvenient, not misrepresenting data to make things look more positive, and avoiding even casual dishonesty like falsely calling in sick.
Guard hearts diligently in this area and confess immediately anytime untruths are told, no matter how small. Consider appointing trusted advisors to help keep you accountable here as well. For Christian leaders, impeccable integrity and transparency build trust and honor God. Make this a non-negotiable priority.
4. Understand Your Employees
Christian leaders should make every effort to understand frontline employees and what their actual day-to-day work entails. Get out from behind your desk frequently and engage directly with staff in the field. Ask good questions, observe, and resist the temptation to criticize quickly when issues arise prior to fully comprehending circumstances.
Making assumptions rather than taking time to understand those we lead is unwise and unkind. Explore creative ways to show workers you care, like periodic handwritten notes, remembering details they share and checking in, or simply being available to pitch in during stressful periods or challenges. Employees want leaders who understand. Do the work to gain that vital comprehension, which also helps facilitate better decision-making.
5. Follow the Golden Rule
When unsure how to lead in various situations, fall back on the ageless wisdom of the Golden Rule – treating others as you wish to be treated. Monitor the example set carefully, considering how you would feel if you were in their shoes. For instance, refrain from asking employees to work extra hours when you make a habit of leaving early. And be careful not to demand perfection or compliance from others that you do not demonstrate yourself.
"If you know people, you understand them and you act through love," Campbell said. "Then you have a much greater opportunity to be a successful leader.”
Following the Golden Rule eliminates double standards and forces you to think through the lens of others first. It compels selflessness and sacrifice while building trust. You reap what you sow, so treat employees and colleagues with the honor, patience, respect, and compassion you hope to receive. If unsure about a decision, ask how you would want to be treated if roles were reversed. This simple but profound concept should be practiced diligently.
6. Delegate & Develop
Christian leaders must be willing to delegate areas of responsibility to others based on their strengths and abilities to be good stewards of talents and time. But that does not remove the responsibility to do hard work and get your hands dirty in service right alongside subordinates. Share workloads equitably based on personalities, giftings, and bandwidth.
“I think one of the most important things you will do as a leader is hire the right people,” Campbell said. “It doesn’t matter how many people you have. It doesn’t matter how long they’re staying there. It doesn’t matter what great things they could do if you don’t hire the right people to do the great things.”
Be a true team player who leads by serving. Never ask anyone under your leadership to complete a task you are unwilling to do yourself first. And check in regularly, even after delegating, to ensure the individual is resourced properly and supported. Taking on too much as a leader breeds burnout, poor decisions, and modeling unhealthy work-life integration. The art of delegation, done well, lifts morale and increases your fruits if it also turns into leadership development.
7. Set Goals & Evaluate
As a Christian business leader, you should prayerfully consider annual goals that align individual objectives to the organization’s vision and mission. These markers motivate teams and provide defined targets to work toward in unity. Then, regularly self-assess progress on those established goals through consistent performance evaluations to gauge successes and opportunities for further development and improvement.
Do not evaluate team members against standards you do not apply to yourself first. And be sure to focus on catching people doing things right rather than only critiquing shortcomings during reviews. Evaluation should include appreciation and encouragement along with constructive criticism. Always point team members back to the overarching vision and keep spirits buoyed during slower seasons. Setting specific goals and measuring performance the right way facilitates growth.
8. Stay Humble
One of the most significant pitfalls in Christian leadership is pridefulness stemming from success. As a Christian leader, you must remain humble and give God all glory for your accomplishments. Guard your heart from growing inflated, recognizing that every good gift is from above. Make frequent public and private prayers of thanksgiving to God a consistent practice.
Also listen carefully when provided constructive feedback from others and sincerely apologize for mistakes. Model humility well by being approachable and transparent regarding personal limitations. Take time to highlight the achievements of team members, too publicly. And always be willing to do undesirable jobs without complaint. Practicing humility habitually wards off destruction caused by developing unchecked pride.
As a Christian business leader, you carry an immense responsibility to honor God with a life marked by integrity, wisdom, and grace under pressure. Utilizing these eight principles as guardrails provides helpful guidance. But also know that mistakes will happen along the way. Seek accountability and repent quickly to restore credibility with teams and team building. Depend fully on wisdom from above while continuing to exemplify ethics and values in a way that points people to Jesus, not to yourself. That is true success as you also glorify God.
Impact the World
As a Christian leader, you have a duty to develop future generations carrying kingdom principles into executive roles long after you're gone. Identify emerging talent and take time to train proteges, instilling godly ethics and resilient character to lead amid cultural pressures with conviction and compassion. Steward the next generation well, equipping leaders to influence with moral courage and being Christ like.
Additionally, you have an opportunity to impact secular industries lacking ethical foundations. Bring integrity and conscience back into corporate boardrooms drifting into murky waters. Set a tone of righteousness not by attacking but by living out countercultural standards with grace and reason. When appropriate, speak hope-filled truth as part of your company's leadership team.
Christian business leaders carry heavy weight as representatives of Christ’s Kingdom in the marketplace. Approach all aspects of leadership as a sacred privilege. Make decisions in prayer while relying on the Spirit’s wisdom over worldly measures of success. Carry authority with humility. Lead with vision, ethics, and conviction regardless of consequences. Represent Jesus well amid the pressure and chaos of the business world.
Colorado Christian University does not guarantee any job placement as a result of earning this or any other degrees offered by the university.