
How to Use Self-Assessment Techniques to Wow at an Interview

Did you know that the average job interview only lasts 30 minutes? That, unfortunately, is a very short amount of time for an encounter that could literally change the course of your life. While it may seem that so much of the hiring process is out of your hands, there are a number of ways that you can prepare for an interview, including making an assessment of your skills.

Why Self-Assessment is Important

The funny thing about humans is that they're often the last to recognize their own qualities, skills, and weaknesses. That is why it's so important to use self-assessment tools to evaluate your God-given strengths and the areas in which you excel. The following are links to several of the most popular self-assessment tests available online today.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

The Meyers-Briggs test is a personality and behavioral assessment test that will determine whether you have either extroversion or introversion traits; tend to focus on the basic information you are given or if you prefer to interpret it; make decisions based on logic or on the way you "feel" about things; and whether you tend to live a structured and decided life or are more flexible and adaptable. At the end of the test, you will be shown your specific personality type. This information could really help you when searching for a career or the right company environment for your personality type.

The MAPP Test

This questionnaire-style career test considers itself the most comprehensive career test available on the Internet. The Wall Street Journal took the MAPP test -- which takes about 15 minutes -- for a test run and reported that it found its assessment was pretty spot-on, especially regarding career choices.

Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Inventory

This is not a test, but a tool to help you discover the spiritual gifts you've been blessed with.

There are no right or wrong answers on these tests. Instead, these tools are designed to help you discover your traits and the type of jobs and work environments you would be best suited for. Too often in life, people tend to focus on the material aspects of a job. For instance, does it pay a lot? Is it a prestigious job or a company? Is a car included?

But by doing a self-assessment before your job search, you can narrow down the right careers and/or workplaces for your personality type. And when you are vying for a position in which you are a natural, that can definitely help you "wow" an interviewer.

Show Off Your Strengths

After taking these self-assessment tests, use the information to select several of your strengths that match the qualities listed for the position you are interviewing for. Then when it comes time for your interview, make sure to emphasize these qualities and why these strengths make you the perfect match for the position. Be prepared to also share with your interviewer why your particular strengths will benefit the company. For example, don't just tell your interviewer that one of your strengths is that you are creative. Explain how you have used your creativity in past jobs to improve those positions and the way you believe you can do the same for them if they were to hire you.

Go back to school and pursue that career you have been dreaming of.

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