How Studying Theology Can Help You in Your Faith
Faith, it is a journey for all of us. Along the way in any journey, we need tools and resources to strengthen our capacity to learn and grow. We have weathered challenging times in 2020, presenting unique struggles with faith, mental health, and wellbeing. Studying theology can help sturdy our faith and embolden our spirit. Discover and encounter Jesus in a new way through a study of theology: the study of God’s nature and behavior.
Here are 3 ways studying theology can help you in your faith
1. Expand Your Knowledge of Apologetics
A great way to study theology when you are struggling with your faith is by studying a branch of theology called apologetics. Apologetics is the defense of faith, finding evidence that the Gospel is true and alive today. By studying apologetics, you will find that there is historical data on the resurrection of Jesus. Apologetics can give us the confidence to walk in our faith, bolstering it for ourselves when in doubt and giving strong witness to it for others.
2. Use a Theologian’s Commentary while Reading Scripture
Reading commentary while studying through scripture allows us to see how theologians have interpreted the scriptures. This increases the scope of our perspective when engaging God’s Word. You can use a study Bible and theological commentary to build a richer understanding of historical context, why it matters, and how it applies to your faith life.
3. Guided Prayer
Many theologians have created books of guided prayer. In a time when everything feels uncertain or chaotic, a guided prayer will allow you to participate in prayer and worship in a more grounded way. This style of prayer can help you structure your personal prayer when words might be hard to piece together, helping your mind and heart focus more easily when you engage with the Lord.