5 Unexpected Jobs That Can Be Yours with A Criminal Justice Degree
With a criminal justice degree, you might think of the usual jobs you can pursue such as a police officer, a lawyer, an FBI officer, and even a forensics expert. There are also many unexpected jobs that a criminal justice degree will prepare you for.
5 jobs that can be yours with a criminal justice degree
1. Forensic Entomologist
A forensic entomologist is a person who studies the relationship between insects and forensics on a crime scene or body.
Median Pay: $64,095
2. Forensic Chemist
A forensic chemist analyzes non-biological evidence found at crime scenes to identify and match materials to known substances. A forensic chemist works in a lab and is hired at the state or federal level.
Median Pay: $57,77
3. Parole Officer
Parole Officers are responsible for overseeing people who were recently released from prison and placed on parole. Parole Officers ensure that the person on parole is not violating their parole terms in any way. They also host continual check-up meetings to ensure they are pursuing careers and educational opportunities.
Median Pay: $54,290
4. Correctional Counselor
Mental health is important. Correctional Counselors are placed within jails or prisons. They work with inmates, parole officers, and families to ensure mental health is a top priority and help put a plan in place for parole and release. Correctional Counselors also counsel inmates on any mental health concerns like anger, depression, anxiety, etc.
Median Pay: $51,410
5. Evidence Technician
Evidence Technicians are responsible for ensuring that the evidence chain is managed, working closely with the forensics team. Evidence Technicians are also responsible for making sure the evidence will be viable on trial. They do this by evaluating the evidence, creating detailed reports, and collecting any fingerprints or evidence needed for court.
Median Pay: $55,660
Colorado Christian University does not guarantee any job placement as a result of earning this or any other degrees offered by the university.