Counseling & Psychology

female counselor with client

The 5 Highest Paying Careers in Counseling

Counseling is a profession that allows you to create genuine, lasting changes in people's lives. The demand for counselors is high, and the versatility within the profession is noteworthy. Whether you're interested in school counseling, marriage and family therapy, or clinical mental health counseling, there are many paths you can take. Plus,...

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male counselor smiling

Mastering the Art of Counseling With Intuition, Creativity, and Discernment

"The practice of counseling is both a science and an art." This profound statement by Dr. Trent Langhofer, a Licensed Professional Counselor, Clinical Director, and Professor at Colorado Christian University, echoes the wisdom found in Proverbs 2:6, "For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding." Intuition in...

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a female christian counselor and two patients

How To Become A Christian Counselor

Christian counselors are among the most highly sought-after professionals in today's society. With depression statistics skyrocketing, medical and spiritual conditions on the rise, parenting conundrums ever-increasing, and marriages in dire need of repair, Christian counselors provide a necessary solution to the manifest dangers that are...

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Steps it takes to become a licensed counselor

How to Become a Licensed Mental Health Counselor

A need for professional mental health counselors was brought to the forefront of American consciousness during the global COVID-19 pandemic; however, it was only bringing to light a need that has been many years in the making. Issues such as depression, trauma, suicidality, anxiety, and substance abuse have been impacting global populations at...

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Women and young girl sitting down on chairs talking

School Counseling vs. Guidance Counseling

By: Dr.Elizabeth Wiggins, Assistant Professor of Counseling for the School of Behavioral and Social Science at CCU The Evolution and History of Guidance Counselors In order to understand the differences between a school counselor and a guidance counselor, one must first comprehend the history and role of a school counselor today, and how it...

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a family holding hands

6 Tips to Help People with a Substance Use Disorder

Dr. Andreas Bienert, Assistant Professor, Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Learning how to overcome a substance use disorder is not a small task. Substance abuse and drug addiction are overwhelming and require strength and courage. Most importantly, recognizing drug addiction does not only impact individuals who actively...

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