University Health Services

CCU’s Health Services clinic is staffed by a licensed nurse practitioner and provides routine medical care for students in the College of Undergraduate Studies.

Clinic services include:

  • Diagnosing and treating minor illnesses
  • Physicals for specific needs (sports and education) for a $25 fee
  • Prescribing medications
  • Making medical referrals as needed
  • Rapid strep screening, mono testing, urinalysis, blood sugar testing, Flu testing, rapid antigen Covid-19 testing, and blood testing
  • Limited laboratory and blood testing
  • Flu shots, meningitis shots, and select other vaccinations
  • Allergy shots on a written physician's order

There is a small clinic charge for most services. There are no charges for follow-up visits related to an illness diagnosed on a previous visit.

Walk-ins are seen as the schedule allows, or appointments can be scheduled Monday through Friday during the academic year.

Health insurance requirements

As a condition of enrollment, all students in the College of Undergraduate Studies carrying six credits or more must have health insurance coverage.

Students must submit the Student Personal Insurance Coverage Form by the add/drop date of the first semester of enrollment. Students are only required to submit the waiver once during their uninterrupted enrollment.

If a student's insurance situation changes, they must submit the new information. A new form must be completed with any name change or change in healthcare insurance.

If a student is away from the University for a semester or more, a new form is required.

If the form is not received by the add/drop date of the first semester of enrollment, a registration hold will be placed on the student's account.


If you are a student athlete you MUST submit the Student Personal Insurance Coverage Form to the University Health Services Clinic. Giving the form to a coach or athletic trainer does not meet the health insurance requirements for the University.

Immunization requirements

The immunization requirements listed below are for all students enrolled in six or more credits in the College of Undergraduate Studies.

The State of Colorado requires all college students to have a certified record of two (2) doses of Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine. The MMR record must be signed by a physician, nurse, county health department official, or school health authority. Complete the MMR vaccine request form.

The following is taken from the Colorado Immunization law:

  • Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine is not required for college students born before January 1, 1957.
  • If the student received a second measles dose prior to July 1, 1992, the second rubella and mumps dose is not required.
  • The first MMR must have been given on or after the first birthday. The second dose of measles, mumps and rubella vaccine or of the measles vaccine must have been administered at least 28 calendar days after the first dose.
  • In lieu of immunization, written evidence of laboratory tests showing immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella is acceptable.
  • The available Certificates of Exemption to the Colorado immunization law that may be signed include:
    1. Certificate of Medical Exemption--Must be signed and dated by an advanced practice nurse, a delegated physician assistant, or physician licensed to practice medicine or osteopathic medicine in any state or territory of the United States. Certificate of Medical Exemption
    2. Certificate of Non-Medical Exemption--You may submit a Certificate of Non-medical exemption in one of two ways:
      • Submit the Certificate of Non-Medical exemption WITH a signature from an immunizing provider in Colorado who is a medical doctor, doctor of osteopathic medicine, advanced practice nurse, delegated physician's assistant, registered nurse, or pharmacist. Certificate of Non-Medical Exemption
      • submit the Certificate of Non-medical exemption received upon the completion of CDPHE's Online Immunization Education Module

In the event of an outbreak of measles, mumps, or rubella, exempted students will be subject to exclusion from school until the outbreak is over.

The meningitis vaccine is recommended by the CDC, the Colorado State Health Department, and the American College Health Association. The State of Colorado does not require that students have the meningitis vaccine, but the state requires signed documentation that each student has read the information about the disease and the vaccination.

The student must show proof of either:

  • Having received the Meningococcal Vaccine within 5 years prior to enrollment;
  • Having read the “Meningococcal Disease” information sheet and declined the vaccine, by completing the waiver; or
  • Having read the “Meningococcal Disease” information sheet and completed the request form to receive the vaccine.

Please note that persons under 21 years should have documentation of having received a dose of the Meningococcal vaccine within the 5 years prior to enrollment.

If the primary dose was administered on or before the student’s 15th birthday, a booster dose should be administered before enrollment in college. The booster dose can be administered any time after the 16th birthday.

The Health Services clinic will have the vaccine on hand at the beginning of each semester. The vaccination cost varies each year and is payable by cash or check made out to Colorado Christian University.

Students must turn in their MMR information and meningitis information to the Health Services clinic by the second week of classes each semester. If the immunization requirement has not been met or the meningitis information has not been completed by that time, an academic hold will be placed on the student's record. This hold will prevent the student from receiving a transcript of grades or registering for any further classes. All of the links to student health insurance, MMR, and meningitis that are linked above are also linked on the student’s e-forms.

For more information on required health information and forms, visit the admitted students checklist. Under "Things To Do Before August 1 (fall) / January 1 (spring), open the "Submit all required health information". 

Communicable disease policy

A variety of communicable diseases exist that vary in degree of transmission to others and severity of potential health risks to individuals.

These diseases, ranging from infections such as chicken pox, measles, and mononucleosis, to more serious diseases such as tuberculosis, leprosy, and acquired immune deficiency syndrome, generate differing levels of concern among various populations.

Colorado Christian University strives to establish clear, consistent, and non-discriminatory policies and procedures to deal with communicable diseases and concurrently acknowledges the importance of protecting the privacy of individuals.

These policy and procedure statements are formulated on the basis of current medical and legal opinions regarding communicable diseases with the goals of providing health awareness opportunities and extending proper treatment to all CCU employees, faculty, and students within the bounds of legal, moral, and ethical responsibilities.

A full description of the policy statement regulating communicable diseases is available in the University Health Services office or the Student Life office.

Consent to Treat Minors

If a student will not be 18 years of age when he/she arrives on campus, a Consent to Treat Minors Form must be completed and signed by the student's parent or legal guardian.

For more information, students may log in to CCU Connect and go to the CCU Health Services page.

Nursing Students

You will have additional required vaccinations and will go through the School of Nursing to provide all required documentation.

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