Dr. Earl Waggoner
Dean of the School of Biblical and Theological Studies, Professor - School of Biblical and Theological Studies Learn MoreMeet the Dean of Biblical Studies and Theology
Thank you for your interest in the School of Biblical and Theological Studies of CCU's College of Adult & Graduate Studies!
As dean I want you to know that our division is committed to providing academic programs which foster a wisdom related to the ways of God. That sounds pretty lofty, but it’s the truth. At CCU, we will teach you valuable interpretive skills for handling the Bible well, but that is not our primary focus. We will challenge you with academic rigor, but that is not our primary task. We will engage you with the thousands of years-old tradition of Christianity, but that is not our primary mission. We will teach you the requirements for living as an ethically and even aesthetically attuned Christ-follower, but that is not our primary objective. Our primary, overarching goal is to help you develop a wisdom related to the ways of God — what it means for you to lead, minister, and live in all the fullness of your relationship with Almighty God.
Explore our site and you will see that we offer multiple programs and degrees, from a Certificate in Biblical Studies to associate, bachelor, and masters degrees. Along that entire spectrum of offerings we will teach you ways of understanding and appropriating biblical, theological ideas in concert with how God has revealed Himself in Scripture, how He works through the church, and how human beings are fractured and needy, yearning for the good news of the gospel, whether they know it or not.
Helping you develop such a wisdom about the ways of God involves hard, intellectual work. We make no apologies for challenging you to use your minds. Developing your mind is not antithetical to growing in your faith. In fact, we believe that a good, strong mind is a dear companion of a good, strong faith. What did Jesus say? “Love the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Mt. 22:37).
Consider this my invitation to you to join over five hundred students in our division who are learning to do just that — love God with all your mind!
Blessings to you,
Dr. Earl Waggoner
Dean, School of Biblical and Theological Studies
College of Adult and Graduate Studies