Services for Students with Disabilities

Disability and Accessibility Services for Adult and Graduate Students

Colorado Christian University (CCU), College of Adult and Graduate Studies (CAGS), ensures that qualified students with documented disabilities and/or medical conditions meeting academic and technical requirements and requesting accommodations receive reasonable accommodations for equal access to academic programs and the University experience.

Prospective or current students seeking accommodations must inform CAGS Disability and Accessibility Services (DAS) about their disability status and accommodation needs. No other department at the University is qualified to determine accommodations. For more information on the accommodation request process, please refer below. For details on the accommodation request process, please see below.

Procedure for Requesting Accommodations

To begin the process, students must first self-disclose their diagnosed disability and/or medical condition and the accommodation(s) they are seeking to CAGS Disability and Accessibility Services by completing the required “Accommodation Application” found online in Prospective students and/or students unable to access E-Forms may also request a copy of the Accommodations Application form by emailing

When completing the application, you will be requested to attach any relevant documentation you may have from a diagnosing professional providing insight on your confirmed condition(s) and the impacts you experience related to any diagnosis you are requesting accommodations for. CAGS DAS will utilize this information to verify eligibility and work alongside you to determine what resources and supports may best assist you during your academic endeavors here at CCU. If your provider would like to utilize our form, you may find this attached to our Accommodation Application within forms. Additional information on documentation alternatives can be found within the Accommodation Application eForm as well or by emailing

CAGS DAS staff will respond to requests for accommodation(s) in accordance with the policies and procedures detailed in this document: CAGS Disability and Accessibility Services Policies and Procedures.

If you have any questions or concerns, or if you need assistance completing the accommodation request process, please don’t hesitate to contact CAGS DAS via email at or by phone at 303-963-3136.

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