Meet the Dean of Education Professions
Welcome to the School of Education Professions (SEP).
We are grateful you have chosen to partner with us as you pursue your educational goals in the field of education whether as a teacher, principal, curriculum designer or instructional coach; whether on the undergraduate or graduate level; and whether in a private, charter, or public school setting.
Our goal is to support you as you develop into highly-qualified educators, trainers and leaders. In every course, you are encouraged to grow in knowledge, skill, and spiritual formation. The rigor of both the undergraduate and graduate education programs is matched with faculty support and mentoring all along the way.
Our licensure education programs are performance-based; candidates receive continual feedback on the development of the professional dispositions, behaviors, and skills needed to become an excellent educator and leader as defined by the Colorado Department of Education’s (CDE) Teacher Quality Standards. The programs are approved by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) to prepare graduates for certification to work in ACSI schools.
Most importantly, we are a department of prayer! Students and faculty are lifted up in prayer together often and always. If you have a specific prayer request that we can pray for, please email sepprayer@ccu.edu this mailbox is checked regularly and your request will be prayed for.
Dr. Jeffrey Renfrow
Dean, School of Education Professions
College of Adult and Graduate Studies
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.-Psalm 32:8 NIV