Consumer Information

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Colorado Christian University is required by the U.S. Department of Education to compile and publicize certain pieces of consumer information.

General Institutional Information

Athletic Disclosures — CCU's Report on Athletic Program Participation Rates and Financial Data including participation rates, financial support and other information on both men's and women's intercollegiate athletic programs.

Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Information — Find information on FERPA guidelines and access CCU's FERPA Consent form (student log-in required).

Filing a Student Complaint — CCU students may submit a complaint through the University's student complaint form and/or through the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE) complaint system.

Net Price Calculator — The net price calculator for CCU's College of Undergraduate Studies is designed to help prospective students and their parents estimate financial aid and scholarships the student may be eligible to receive.

Selective Service – The State of Colorado has removed the requirement for male persons to be registered for Selective Service before applying for enrollment or reenrollment at a Colorado state-supported institution of higher education. Federal law still requires nearly all male citizens and immigrants ages 18 through 25 to register with the U.S. Selective Service System

As a Colorado institution of higher education, it is our responsibility to inform students of this federal requirement prior to course registration (Colorado House Bill 23-1261).

For more information, see the Selective Service System’s Who Needs to Register page.

Services for Students with Disabilities — Information regarding services CCU provides to students with physical or learning disabilities in order to promote equal educational opportunities. View services for students in the College of Undergraduate Studies or students in the College of Adult and Graduate Studies.

Student Body Diversity Information — Find information regarding student body diversity at Colorado Christian University.

Tuition and Fees (links to 2 landing pages) — Find details about tuition and fees for the College of Undergraduate Studies and the College of Adult and Graduate Studies.

Voter Registration — Students can find instructions to register to vote in their state.

Academic Information

Academic Programs Offered — Find a complete listing of educational programs offered through the College of Undergraduate Studies, College of Adult and Graduate Studies, and through CCU Academy.

Institutional Accreditation — Information regarding Colorado Christian University's institutional and program-specific accreditation.

Professional Licensure Disclosures — The University is required to provide information about whether or not CCU's educational requirements for licensure in Colorado meet licensure requirements in other states. See disclosures.

State Compliance for Online Education — CCU is required by the U.S. Department of Education to be in compliance with state laws where we offer distance and/or online education. Each state has a different set of laws that regulate higher education institutions.

Textbook Information — A complete list of textbooks required for Colorado Christian University courses including price information.

Transfer Credit Policies — Visit CCU's Academic Catalog to review academic policies, including transfer credit, for the College of Undergraduate Studies or the College of Adult and Graduate Studies.

Financial Aid Information

CARES Act Reporting — Find information about CCU's compliance in distributing funds received through the CARES Act.

Institutional and Financial Assistance Information for Students — Learn about the financial aid options available for students in the College of Undergraduate Studies and students in the College of Adult and Graduate Studies.

Student Loan Information — Information for student loan borrowers in the College of Undergraduate Studies and the College of Adult and Graduate Studies regarding student loan requirements, types of federal student loans and annual interest rates.

Health and Safety Information

Campus Safety and Security Information — Information regarding student safety and crimes reported on CCU's campus and annual fire safety reports (in compliance with the Clery Act).

Drug Free Environment — The drug use policy describes the University’s policy regarding the sale, manufacture, distribution, possession and use of illegal drugs on or off University property or at University-sponsored events or programs in accordance with federal, state and local laws.

Drug and Alcohol Prevention — Read CCU's substance abuse and addiction policy for students in the College of Undergraduate Studies.

Missing Person Protocol — Learn about CCU's missing person protocol in the event that a student is reported missing while at the University.

Penalties for Drug Violations — Find information about penalties for drug convictions while receiving federal student aid.

Sex Offender Information — Visit the Lakewood, Colorado Sex Offender website for information about how to research offenders in the area surrounding CCU's residential campus and resources on sex offenders.

Vaccination Policies — Find information about the immunization requirements for students enrolled in six or more credits in the College of Undergraduate Studies.

Student Outcomes

Student Right to Know — Colorado Christian University provides information regarding our institution's graduation/completion rates and enrollment trends.

Institutional Policies

Copyrighted Material Information — See CCU's statement about the legal use of copyrighted material and file sharing at the University.

Safeguarding Customer Information — CCU's data confidentiality policy governs the security and use of confidential data related to students, alumni and employees of the University.

Whistleblower Policies — CCU's whistleblower policy and the reporting process in the event of known illegal or dishonest fraudulent activity.

Title IV Code of Conduct — CCU abides by the Title IV Code of Conduct provided by NASFAA for member institutions.