About the Armstrong Legacy



The Armstrong Legacy initiative of Colorado Christian University is an effort to secure $30.2 million for the Armstrong Center, and $19.2 million for our second new academic building. An additional $50 million will also be pursued to provide a new endowment fund for need-based student scholarships.

These causes were championed by Bill Armstrong during his tenure as president of Colorado Christian University, and they are the causes that are at the heart of the Armstrong Legacy at CCU.



Former U.S. Senator Bill Armstrong became president of Colorado Christian University on August 15, 2006. He displayed an uncommon vision for our times by adopting the University’s Strategic Objectives at the beginning of his presidency, and by leading the University during a period of unprecedented growth.

During Bill Armstrong’s tenure as CCU president, enrollment nearly tripled from 2,500 students in 2006 to over 7,000 students in 2016 — and has since grown to more than 8,000 students in 2018. His commitment to academic excellence attracted high-caliber students with GPAs and standardized test scores significantly above the national average. In addition, Bill Armstrong spearheaded a realignment of the University's core curriculum which has earned CCU a top two percent ranking by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni every year since 2012.

Bill Armstrong passed away on July 5, 2016 after a courageous battle with cancer. His true legacy was his focus on Jesus and his enthusiasm for Colorado Christian University, and all who are a part of it.

I feel a great sense of destiny about the opportunity to educate a new generation of leaders. It is the most significant, energizing, and rewarding work I have ever undertaken.

– Bill Armstrong, upon being named president of CCU


Bill Armstrong, a successful Colorado businessman, served in the Colorado State House of Representatives (1963-1964), the Colorado Senate (1965-1972), U.S. House of Representatives (1973-1978), and U.S. Senate (1979-1990). For six years he served as chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee.

Bill owned and operated over a dozen private companies. He also served as chairman of Cherry Creek Mortgage Company, Greenwood Capital, and Blueberry Systems, and as a director of six public companies.

He had an active personal ministry of evangelism and presented the gospel in nearly all 50 states at hundreds of prayer breakfasts, outreach events, and rallies.

Honoring His Life and Legacy

As a businessman, public servant, and university president, Bill Armstrong left an impact on the hearts of everyone he met. Though he served only ten years as president of Colorado Christian University, he cast an extraordinary vision for our next 100 years.

President Armstrong envisioned a university that would be a light in the Rocky Mountain west that leads with the highest standards of academics, ministers to the world, and engages the culture. He launched CCU’s campaign to redevelop our campus because he believed that a world-class academic environment is necessary to prepare students to become world changers for Jesus Christ.

Dad didn’t get to finish what he set out to do, but his mission is one and the same with CCU’s mission.

– Wil Armstrong, son of Bill Armstrong and member of CCU’s Board of Trustees

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