Commencement is a joyful event that unites students, parents, friends, and guests to honor your extraordinary accomplishments. It stands as a tribute to the dedication, hard work, and perseverance you've shown throughout your academic journey. All students eligible for graduation are invited to participate in the spring Commencement ceremony. For more details about the ceremony, including important dates and guidelines, please refer to our FAQ section.
Graduation is a separate process from Commencement. When students apply to graduate, the Registrar will check to certify that all program requirements have been satisfied. Once approved, the degree will be displayed on the student transcript.
Commencement is an annual ceremony honoring students who have or will soon graduate from their degree program. It does not automatically mean graduation; participating in Commencement is a separate process from graduating.
College of Adult and Graduate Studies/CCU Online
Student check-in 7:30-8:00 a.m. | Ceremony begins at 9:00 a.m.
College of Undergraduate Studies and CCU Academy
Student check-in 1:00-1:30 p.m. | Ceremony begins at 2:30 p.m.
Blue Arena
5290 Arena Cir., Loveland, CO 80538
Guest parking is available at the arena for a fee.
9:00 A.M. College of Adult and Graduate Studies/CCU Online | 2:30 P.M. College of Undergraduate Studies and CCU Academy
Graduating students must have regalia to participate in the ceremony.
Students should order regalia as soon as possible to avoid shipping delays.
All CCU graduate caps and gowns are black.
Master's or doctoral degree candidates must order a degree-specific hood.
Associate and bachelor's degree candidates wear the same regalia.
The white collar provided with the associate and bachelor's degree gown does not need to be worn.
Candidates who have attained the honors listed below will wear special-colored honor cords to signify their achievements.
Qualifying graduates attending in person may pick up honor cords/medallions on the day of Commencement at a special table in the pre-Commencement meeting area. Students who register to participate virtually will be mailed their honor cords/medallions approximately one month after Commencement.
Eligibility for honor cords and the graduate honors medallions is based on the cumulative grade point average (GPA) recorded on the student’s record at the end of the fall semester in December. The GPA at that time will not reflect any grades from the spring semester, or any outstanding grades or courses not yet completed. Final honors will be noted on students’ transcripts and diplomas at the time of conferral.
Gold, silver, and white cords are designated for bachelor’s degree candidates based on their cumulative grade point average (GPA) as of the end of the fall semester prior to the commencement semester. Students must have attended CCU for at least 60 semester hours to qualify, based on estimated hours at the time of graduation.
Special cords or stoles are designated for participants in one or more of the following national honor societies. Honor society cords are not available for pick-up at Commencement. Please check with your honor society faculty advisor for additional information.
Students graduating with a master's degree wear hoods as part of their academic regalia. Doctoral degree candidates wear a gown with chevrons on the sleeves and a tam cap. The color of the velvet of the master's and doctoral hood is based on the official degree color.
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