Commencement Information for Graduating Students

Commencement is a joyful event that unites students, parents, friends, and guests to honor your extraordinary accomplishments. It stands as a tribute to the dedication, hard work, and perseverance you've shown throughout your academic journey. All students eligible for graduation are invited to participate in the spring Commencement ceremony. For more details about the ceremony, including important dates and guidelines, please refer to our FAQ section.

What Is the Difference Between Graduation and Commencement?


Graduation is a separate process from Commencement. When students apply to graduate, the Registrar will check to certify that all program requirements have been satisfied. Once approved, the degree will be displayed on the student transcript.


Commencement is an annual ceremony honoring students who have or will soon graduate from their degree program. It does not automatically mean graduation; participating in Commencement is a separate process from graduating.

Commencement Deadlines

 January 31: Apply for graduation
 March 28: Register to participate in commencement (in person or virtually)
 March 28: Order Regalia

Commencement Day

smiling female graduate

smiling male graduate

Student Check-In

College of Adult and Graduate Studies/CCU Online
Student check-in 7:30-8:00 a.m. | Ceremony begins at 9:00 a.m.

College of Undergraduate Studies and CCU Academy
Student check-in 1:00-1:30 p.m. | Ceremony begins at 2:30 p.m.


Blue Arena
5290 Arena Cir., Loveland, CO 80538

Location Map


Guest parking is available at the arena for a fee.

Parking Information


Times subject to change

9:00 A.M. College of Adult and Graduate Studies/CCU Online | 2:30 P.M. College of Undergraduate Studies and CCU Academy

Arrive at Blue Arena, park, and proceed to North Hall.
7:20 a.m. | 12:50 p.m.

Check-in, gather cords, meet with your school/program, and put on your apparel/cords.
7:30 a.m. | 1:00 p.m.

CCU staff line up graduates according to school/program.
8:20 a.m. | 1:50 p.m.

Graduates walk from North Hall to the arena.
8:30 a.m. | 2:00 p.m.

Graduates march into the arena and are seated.
8:40 a.m. | 2:10 p.m.

Order Regalia

Regalia Must Be Ordered by March 28

Jostens:   Online |   800-854-7464


  Graduating students must have regalia to participate in the ceremony.
  Students should order regalia as soon as possible to avoid shipping delays.
  All CCU graduate caps and gowns are black.
  Master's or doctoral degree candidates must order a degree-specific hood.
  Associate and bachelor's degree candidates wear the same regalia.
  The white collar provided with the associate and bachelor's degree gown does not need to be worn.

waving woman graduate

Honors, Cords, Medallions, and Hoods

Candidates who have attained the honors listed below will wear special-colored honor cords to signify their achievements.

Pick Up and Eligibility

Qualifying graduates attending in person may pick up honor cords/medallions on the day of Commencement at a special table in the pre-Commencement meeting area. Students who register to participate virtually will be mailed their honor cords/medallions approximately one month after Commencement.

Eligibility for honor cords and the graduate honors medallions is based on the cumulative grade point average (GPA) recorded on the student’s record at the end of the fall semester in December. The GPA at that time will not reflect any grades from the spring semester, or any outstanding grades or courses not yet completed. Final honors will be noted on students’ transcripts and diplomas at the time of conferral.

Academic (Latin) Honors

Gold, silver, and white cords are designated for bachelor’s degree candidates based on their cumulative grade point average (GPA) as of the end of the fall semester prior to the commencement semester. Students must have attended CCU for at least 60 semester hours to qualify, based on estimated hours at the time of graduation.

  • Gold Cords: Students graduating summa cum laude (with highest honor), holding a 3.9-4.0 cumulative GPA
  • Silver Cords: Students graduating magna cum laude (with high honor), holding a 3.7-3.89 cumulative GPA
  • White Cords: Students graduating cum laude (with honor), holding a 3.5-3.69 cumulative GPA

University Honors

  • Undergraduate Honors: Pink cords are designated for bachelor’s degree candidates who have achieved a CCU cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 or better while completing less than 60 Colorado Christian University credits. Honors cords are based on the cumulative GPA recorded at the conclusion of the fall semester prior to the Commencement semester.
  • Graduate Honors: Gold medallions are designated for candidates seeking their master’s degree who have completed 30 or more semester hours of credit at CCU, and who have a cumulative GPA of 3.90 or better while attending CCU, signifying a Graduate with High Distinction.

Honor Societies

Special cords or stoles are designated for participants in one or more of the following national honor societies. Honor society cords are not available for pick-up at Commencement. Please check with your honor society faculty advisor for additional information.

  • Chi Alpha Sigma (national athletic honor society): Bronze medallion with black ribbon
  • Pi Kappa Delta (honorary speech and debate society): Burgundy and white cords with a gold key and crest
  • Pi Lambda Theta (educational honor society): Gold and light blue cords
  • Pi Kappa Lambda (national music honor society): Gold and white cords
  • Sigma Nu Tau (principled entrepreneurship honor society): Green and white cords
  • Alpha Sigma Lambda (honoring adult students in higher education): Ivory stoles
  • Kappa Delta Pi (national honor society in education): Purple and green cords
  • Sigma Theta Tau (international nursing honor society): Purple and white cords
  • The Alpha Omicron Zeta chapter of Sigma Tau Delta (international English honor society): Red and black cords
  • The Omega Omicron chapter of Lambda Pi Eta (national communication honor society): Red and white cords
  • Eta Beta Rho (national scholastic honor society for students of Hebrew language and culture): Royal blue and white cords
  • Chi Sigma Iota (international honor society for professional counselors): Royal blue and white cords/white stoles with royal blue embroidery
  • Omicron Delta Kappa (national leadership honor society): White stoles imprinted with the gold Omicron Delta Kappa key and blue Greek letters

Graduate and Doctoral Degree Hoods

Students graduating with a master's degree wear hoods as part of their academic regalia. Doctoral degree candidates wear a gown with chevrons on the sleeves and a tam cap. The color of the velvet of the master's and doctoral hood is based on the official degree color.

  • Doctor of Nursing Practice: Apricot
  • Master of Arts in Applied Apologetics: Scarlet
  • Master of Arts in Biblical Studies: Scarlet
  • Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling: Light Blue
  • Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction: Light Blue
  • Master of Arts in Executive Leadership in Christian Ministry: Scarlet
  • Master of Arts in School Counseling: Light Blue
  • Master of Arts in Theological Studies: Scarlet
  • Master of Business of Administration: Drab (Tan)
  • Master of Education: Light Blue
  • Master of Organizational Leadership: Drab (Tan)
  • Master of Public Administration: Peacock Blue
  • Master of Science in Accounting: Drab (Tan)
  • Master of Science in Criminal Justice: Navy Blue
  • Master of Science in Cyber Security: Golden Yellow
  • Master of Science in Economics: Copper
  • Master of Science in Human Resource Management: Drab
  • Master of Science in Nursing: Apricot
  • Master of Science in Psychology: Gold

Frequently Asked Questions

Registration and Tickets

  • What are the deadlines for registering for Commencement participation and ordering tickets?
    The graduation application deadline is January 31 and the Commencement registration deadline is March 28.
  • How do I register to participate?
    All participating students are required to register on Tassel. Tassel will become available in February for students who have submitted a completed graduation application.
  • How do I order tickets for the in-person ceremony?
    Students can order tickets for the in-person ceremony through Tassel which will be limited to six (6) tickets per student. Information for accessing Tassel will be sent to the graduate's student email.
  • How do I access my tickets for the in-person ceremony?
    Your reserved tickets are available on Tassel.
  • I need more tickets. How do I get them?
    Beginning April 1st, students may contact to request additional guest tickets. Requests received before April 1st will not be considered.

Virtual Participation for Students and Guests

  • I can’t come to the in-person Commencement. Can I still participate?
    Students in the College of Adult and Graduate Studies/CCU Online can participate virtually and will have their names announced along with a showing of their personalized graduation slide. Students participating virtually will also be sent a copy of the printed Commencement program, a diploma cover, and any earned honor cord or medallion. These items will be shipped after Commencement.
  • How can my guests or I attend the Commencement ceremony online?
    The virtual ceremony will be available at and this link can be shared with your family and friends to view the Commencement service.
  • If I can’t attend the in-person Commencement, will my name still be announced in the ceremony?
    Students in the College of Adult and Graduate Studies/CCU Online who participate in the virtual Commencement ceremony will have their names announced along with a showing of their personalized graduation slide. You must register to participate in Commencement to have your name announced.

Regalia, Honor Cords, and Clothing

  • How do I get my cap and gown?
    Cap, gown, tassel, and other regalia items can be ordered by contacting Jostens through their website or by calling 800-854-7464.
  • When do I wear my master's or doctoral degree hood?
    Master’s and doctoral graduates wear their hoods during the ceremony. Graduates may wear hoods to check-in, or carry their hood to check-in and wear the hood once the check-in process is complete.
  • How do I know what hood color to wear?
    When master’s or doctoral students order their graduation regalia through Jostens, they will choose the master’s or doctoral degree they are earning. The appropriate hood for that degree will be sent to them. 
  • What is appropriate attire to wear under my regalia?
    Business dress or business casual is appropriate for this event. Students should wear clothing and shoes that will allow them to ascend and descend stairs and walk between the check-in and Commencement areas (approximately 1 mile of walking). Wear comfortable shoes that allow for standing and moving for long periods of time.
  • Can I decorate my regalia?
    Please be respectful of the effort it has taken for all graduates to enjoy this day, and celebrate your accomplishments appropriately. No additional accessories, such as purses, leis, stoles, or other decorative items may be added to your cap and gown. We appreciate your cooperation as we preserve the solemnity of the occasion.
  • When will I get my honor cord or medallion?
    Qualifying graduates attending in person may pick up honor cords and medallions on the morning of Commencement at a special table in the pre-Commencement meeting area.
  • How do I get my honor cord and diploma cover if I am participating in Commencement remotely?
    Students who registered to participate in Commencement virtually were sent their diploma cover, the printed Commencement program, and honor cord or medallion in the weeks following the ceremony.

Arriving at Commencement

  • What time should graduating students arrive at the ceremony?
    Graduates should arrive at least 90 minutes before the ceremony start time. Any graduate who arrives less than 60 minutes from the start of the ceremony may be denied permission to participate. View the Commencement day schedule.
  • What time should guests arrive at the ceremony?
    CAGS Ceremony: Guest seating begins at 8:00 a.m. for the 9:00 a.m. ceremony.
    CUS/Academy Ceremony: Guest seating begins at 1:30 p.m. for the 2:30 p.m. ceremony.
  • Where do students and guests park for the ceremony?
    Parking is available at Blue Arena for a nominal parking fee. More parking information.
  • I’m disabled and need accommodations. Who do I contact?
    If you are visually impaired, hard of hearing, physically disabled, or in a wheelchair, please mail commencementsupport@ccu.eduGuests have access to handicapped seating and closed captions on event screens. Customer Service is available for further assistance. Visit the venue website for more information on guest needs.
  • How do I check in at the in-person Commencement ceremony?
    You will check in at the North Hall building to the south of the Blue Arena main entrance. Students should wear their caps and gowns to the event.
  • Can graduates store personal items during the ceremony?
    No, there is no space to store personal belongings during the ceremony. Please leave your valuables with your guests or at home.

General Questions

  • How long is the ceremony?
    The CAGS ceremony is expected to last 3-3.5 hours. The CUS and CCU Academy ceremony is expected to last 2-2.5 hours.
  • Why are there two ceremonies?
    CCU will hold two ceremonies to accommodate our graduate candidates and their guests for each college.
  • Will food or drink be available to purchase at the Commencement ceremony?
    Blue Arena provides a number of food and drink options for guests to purchase throughout the ceremony.
  • Do I receive my diploma at the graduation ceremony?
    Students will receive a CCU diploma cover at Commencement. Your diploma will be sent to you via the U.S. Postal Service within 4-8 weeks after the ceremony, and a digital diploma will be available to download and share within approximately 2 weeks after Commencement.
  • What is a graduation slide?
    Graduates are encouraged to create a personalized graduation slide, complete with their picture and a special message when they register to participate on the Tassel platform. This graduation slide can then be sent to family and friends and shared on social media. Students who participate in the virtual commencement ceremony will have their names announced along with a showing of their personalized graduation slide.
  • How do I purchase Commencement announcements?
    Graduation announcements and other items that commemorate your academic achievements can be found on the Jostens website.
  • What happens if there is inclement weather?
    CCU will not cancel the ceremony unless there is a severe, region-wide weather event. Please anticipate an early spring day in Colorado with changes in temperature and conditions.
  • How do I get a diploma cover?
    Graduates who register for in-person attendance at Commencement will receive a diploma cover at graduation. Graduates who register for virtual attendance for Commencement will receive a diploma cover approximately one month after graduation. Graduates who do not register for Commencement can purchase a diploma cover at
  • What items are not allowed in the ceremony?
    Security reserves the right to inspect personal belongings brought into the Commencement venue. This includes bags/backpacks, purses, coats, and hats. Posters, balloons, noise makers, and other distracting items are prohibited inside the venue. If prohibited items are revealed during a search, the guest may be permitted to return to their vehicle with the item, or the item will be confiscated. CCU reserves the final decision on items allowed into the event. Visit the venue website for a complete list of prohibited items.

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