Science & Engineering Center Capital Campaign

Forward with Conviction

It is only with conviction to the foundational truths rooted in science and amplified in the Scriptures that CCU can mold scientific leaders of character, competence, and Christ-centered faith.
CCU President Eric Hogue

In 2022, Colorado Christian University launched the "Forward with Conviction" capital campaign to build a state-of-the-art Science & Engineering Center that will provide a space for students to explore, innovate, and excel in their scientific disciplines. More than $5.8 million in gifts and pledges were secured to kick off the campaign during the University's second annual President's Weekend event in February 2022.

CCU is committed to developing facilities that attract and support generations of lifelong disciples who will inspire advancements in science — students who seek out truth and lead through character, competence, and conviction.

I've learned that science and faith go together. Science gives me a great platform to serve the Lord and make an impact on people that I wouldn't be able to in another field.
– Noah Booth '22, B.S. Biology

Campaign Objectives

Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in them.
Psalm 111:2
Immediate Enrollment Increase

The new Science & Engineering Center will attract hundreds of students to study in the School of Science and Engineering at CCU — students who want to attend CCU but are forced to choose other universities with appropriate science facilities. Building the Science & Engineering Center will grow our ability to welcome future students and produce lifelong Christian graduates in the sciences.

Character and Ethics

Character and ethics form the bedrock of God-honoring and kingdom-building science. Your generous support for the campaign to build the Science & Engineering Center will allow CCU students to grow academically with strong values and to apply their future vocations toward science excellence and biblical human care. The School of Science and Engineering at CCU instructs students with an intentional focus on building Christ-like character and biblical ethics so they may become moral, compassionate world-changers in the sciences.

Liberal Arts and the Sciences

Science and engineering at CCU are taught within the world of ideas, synthesizing the liberal arts, advanced theories, and applied technology. Your most generous support helps students achieve more than technical competence: Students critically think through the impacts of innovations and apply their Christian worldview to scientific ethical problems. On this basis, science and engineering students gain strong hands-on experience as they follow a robust curriculum and engage with professors in discovery and research.

Purposefully small classes and laboratories invite all students to learn with their hands as well as their minds. This instills a level of mastery necessary to become leaders in rapidly-advancing fields of science and engineering.

Program Outcomes

The Science & Engineering Center is an investment in future health professionals, systems engineers, STEM educators, and research innovators — influencers who will be trained in excellence and on a solid foundation of biblical principles. It will provide a modern, appropriately equipped learning environment featuring current scientific classrooms, research laboratories, and scientific tools. Students will have effective resources to prepare them for graduate-level studies and careers in the sciences, engineering, and healthcare.

Student Impact

Establishing the Science & Engineering Center for the School of Science and Engineering at CCU emphasizes the importance of Christians entering vocations in the sciences. The Science & Engineering Center will provide the Lakewood campus with a facility specifically designed for student engagement through hands-on learning and research. The Science & Engineering Center will become a regional magnet for Christian students who wish to be fully prepared to bring grace and truth to the fields of science and engineering.

Donations Propel CCU Sciences

At Colorado Christian University, the sciences are approached with a Christ-centered foundation of faith. Separated from the understanding of God as Creator, science risks becoming an idol, with an end of glorifying science as an end-all of human knowledge. Your generous financial support propels this kingdom work at CCU, providing a Christian worldview to the study of science and engineering.

God's creative design invites thoughtful investigation, careful reasoning and discovery, and celebration of all that God has made. In Genesis 2, God gave humans the job of caring for and ruling over the earth by "working and keeping it," stewarding God's creation for the blessing of people and the glory of God. By treasuring the gospel, students advance the work of God, who through Christ Jesus reconciles all things to himself (Colossians 1:20 ESV).

Science and Faith at CCU

  • Wisdom through Academic Excellence

    Affiliate biology and bioethics faculty member and CCU graduate Elisabeth Armstrong speaks on the University’s efforts to impart wisdom through excellence in academics.

  • The Intersection of Faith and Science

    Dr. Mark Parker, dean of the School of Science and Engineering in the College of Undergraduate Studies and professor of biology, speaks on the intersection of faith and science at the University.

  • The Next Generation of Leaders

    Dr. Leontine Galante, associate professor of biology, speaks about how CCU is uniquely equipped to launch the next generation of leaders to change the world for Christ.

  • Moving Forward with Conviction

    Chancellor Sweeting outlines how the University is moving forward with conviction as it strives to provide Christ-centered higher education that transforms students to impact the world with grace and truth.

Join Us in Building CCU's State-of-the-Art Science & Engineering Center

Dr. Mark Parker

Dr. Mark Parker

Dean of the School of Science and Engineering

Dr. Mark Parker offers unique gifts and expertise to lead this next stage of growth in the School of Science and Engineering. With a Ph.D. in biological sciences and post-doctoral work in molecular neurodevelopment, Dr. Parker brings more than a decade in higher education as well as years of management and leadership in industrial applications of research and biological sciences.

"In the School of Science and Engineering, we are charged with imparting wisdom and launching leaders in health care, science, and technology during a time when these fields desperately need Christian influence and leadership. Your support will allow CCU and the School of Science and Engineering to multiply this impact in ways not previously possible."

Amanda Grogan

Amanda Grogan

Senior Director of Major Gifts

The new science and engineering building will be the centerpiece of CCU's bold, pathbreaking effort to produce more graduates in the STEM fields so vital to America's future, if this nation is to maintain its preeminence as a leader in innovation and invention.

Please call or email me for more information about the Science & Engineering Center and how you can help Colorado Christian University transform our campus to better serve our students.

Give Now to the Science & Engineering Center Capital Campaign

Complete the online giving form or click on the link below to donate through your Donor Advised Fund.

We challenge you to come join us in this investment in the students at CCU.
– Scott and Donna Miller, Interstate Batteries and CCU Graduates
Charitable Gifts

CCU deeply appreciates and is able to accept a variety of gift types, including cash, stocks, real estate, legacy giving, and more.

Advancement Team

Contact University Advancement for assistance with questions, donations, and legacy planning.

Gift Matching

If your employer offers a gift-matching program, you may be able to double your gift to CCU!

Colorado Christian University is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. CCU's tax ID number is 84-0442429.
View CCU's Capital Gift Administrative Allowance and Endowment Gift Administrative Allowance Policies.

University Advancement