Giving to Centennial Institute

Jeff Hunt, director of the Centennial Institute speaking at the Western Conservative Summit

CCU's Public Policy Think Tank

The Centennial Institute works to enhance public understanding of the most important issues relating to faith, family, and freedom.

The Centennial Institute at Colorado Christian University focuses its efforts on conducting research, analyzing public policy options, and sponsoring seminars, conferences, and other activities that involve students, faculty, staff, and outside experts. The Centennial Institute and all sponsored activities are guided by the University’s Strategic Priorities.

Through the Centennial Institute:
  • We analyze public policy and seek to influence legislation. We frame alternatives and advocate civic engagement on the most pressing issues facing our nation.
  • We encourage competitive politics and constitutional debate, but we are not for or against any political party.
  • We mentor students and work with Colorado Christian University professors. We serve the God of the Bible, but we are not exclusive in our outreach to Americans of all beliefs and viewpoints.

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Charitable Gifts

CCU deeply appreciates and is able to accept a variety of gift types, including cash, stocks, real estate, legacy giving, and more.

Advancement Team

Contact University Advancement for assistance with questions, donations, and legacy planning.

Gift Matching

If your employer offers a gift-matching program, you may be able to double your gift to CCU!

Colorado Christian University is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. CCU's tax ID number is 84-0442429.
View CCU's Capital Gift Administrative Allowance and Endowment Gift Administrative Allowance Policies.

University Advancement