The Four Pillars of IVy Women
Much like the ivy plant needs to cling to something to support its growth, we as IVy Women cling to Jesus. We pray to become truly effective by turning from our own agenda to God's eternal plan. We learn about our God-given purposes, passions, gifts, and how to apply biblical principles to enrich our lives, serve Colorado Christian University, and aid the greater Denver community. We give to cultivate the good works that CCU is doing to develop young leaders to impact the world for Christ.

The IVy Women of CCU meet each month to pray for God's continued goodwill on Colorado Christian University. Members gather on our Lakewood campus and via Zoom meetings to pray for our students, staff, faculty, and leadership. We would love to have you join us!
The IVy Women's Prayer Pillar, one of the IV pillars on which this women's ministry is founded, invites participation from friends, moms of students, alumnae, staff, and faculty of CCU in monthly corporate prayer. As scripture tells us, when two or more gather in God's name, He is with them.
We are women who value and know the power of prayer. We believe God hears and answers our prayers. Together we can draw upon His strength and wisdom as we beseech our Lord for His favor upon CCU through our intercession.
Let's pray together!
"And this is the confidence that we have toward Him, that if we ask anything according to His will He hears us." — 1 John 5:14 (ESV)

IVy Women is an outreach program for women who have a passion for learning and relish opportunities to invite others to share in experiencing CCU's unique and unapologetically Christian higher education.
Get involved in events on campus where you can learn and grow in the area of your passion, purpose, gifts, strengths, interests, and discover something new! We pray you will plug in to this vibrant CCU community and find your niche. We hope you will come with a desire to exercise your spiritual, philanthropic, and educational muscles. There is something for everyone at CCU.
Each year, IVy Women strive to offer interesting and engaging "Learn Events" where leading Christian experts come and share their time and talents with us. We also use this as a time to showcase the good news of God and His mighty work here at CCU.

IVy Women is a service organization that desires to connect with CCU Students and the greater CCU community by:
- Partnering in joint service projects.
- Providing for the needs of CCU international students.
- Hosting events and assisting in execution of events.
- Touching the world through missions.

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." — 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV)
IVy Women is a philanthropic entity committed to directly impacting the lives of CCU students by investing in the IVy Women Endowed Scholarship Fund which provides life-changing scholarships to students who would otherwise not be able to afford a Christian higher education.
As IVy Women, we make a meaningful and lasting difference by directly influencing students' lives through scholarship. Our goal is to grow this endowment to support more and more students each year.
These funds are given out each fall and/or spring, to meet the immediate and critical financial needs of students struggling to stay enrolled at CCU.
You can make an indelible difference in the life of a CCU student today!