Dr. Larry Crabb Addresses the CCU Community in Chapel | Colorado Christian University
Dr. Larry Crabb, Distinguished Scholar in Residence at Colorado Christian University, gave a two-part series on a passage in Revelation during chapel last Tuesday and Thursday. Dr. Crabb talked about the symbolism in the book of Revelation and focused specifically on the description of Jesus revealed in Revelation 1:9-18.
In addition to being distinguished scholar in residence at CCU, Dr. Larry Crabb is the founder and president of New Way Ministries. He is also a well-known speaker and author of numerous best-selling books, including "Soul Talk," "Inside Out," and "Shattered Dreams."
Dr. Crabb received his doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Illinois. He practiced psychotherapy for ten years and directed the master's program in biblical counseling at Grace Theological Seminary for seven years and at Colorado Christian University for ten years. Dr. Crabb was granted the Pioneer in Christian Psychology award from the American Association of Christian Counselors and now serves as spiritual director of that organization.
In addition to being distinguished scholar in residence at CCU, Dr. Larry Crabb is the founder and president of New Way Ministries. He is also a well-known speaker and author of numerous best-selling books, including "Soul Talk," "Inside Out," and "Shattered Dreams."
Dr. Crabb received his doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Illinois. He practiced psychotherapy for ten years and directed the master's program in biblical counseling at Grace Theological Seminary for seven years and at Colorado Christian University for ten years. Dr. Crabb was granted the Pioneer in Christian Psychology award from the American Association of Christian Counselors and now serves as spiritual director of that organization.