CCU Graduates Called to Embrace the Generation of Opportunity
Today marked the beginning of a new chapter in the lives of 489 Colorado Christian University graduates who were honored during CCU's commencement ceremony at Cherry Hills Community Church.
Pastor Ted Haggard, president of the National Association of Evangelicals -- the largest evangelical group in America -- gave a commencement address titled "The Generation of Opportunity," challenging students to fully embrace the unique opportunities that God has presented to their generation as they move beyond graduation.
Pastor Haggard is the founder and senior pastor of the 12,000-member New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He also serves as president for both the Association of Life-Giving Churches, a network of local churches, and worldprayerteam.org, a global prayer network. He graduated from Oral Roberts University in 1978. During the commencement ceremony, CCU president Dr. Larry Donnithorne presented Pastor Haggard with an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree for his work and service.
Brad Meuli, president and CEO of the Denver Rescue Mission, was also honored in the ceremony with an honorary Doctor of Humanities degree for his commitment to the Denver community.
During this year's ceremony, CCU also honored the heritage of the University by awarding the Distinguished Alumni Award to Virgil Horton, Rockmont class of 1950. Virgil has served on CCU's alumni council and has faithfully served CCU and its heritage schools for over 50 years.
Other commencement speakers included Nathan Bullis, a graduate from the College of Undergraduate Studies who was selected by the faculty to speak in the ceremony and Paula Moss, a graduate from the School of Adult and Graduate Studies. The valedictorian was Joseph Stenberg, a graduate from the College of Undergraduate Studies.
CCU also celebrated the first graduate of its Sons of Sudan program as Wal Biet graduated with his bachelor's degree in biology. Originally known as one of the Lost Boys of Sudan, Biet hopes to begin medical school in the fall of 2007.
Pastor Ted Haggard, president of the National Association of Evangelicals -- the largest evangelical group in America -- gave a commencement address titled "The Generation of Opportunity," challenging students to fully embrace the unique opportunities that God has presented to their generation as they move beyond graduation.
Pastor Haggard is the founder and senior pastor of the 12,000-member New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He also serves as president for both the Association of Life-Giving Churches, a network of local churches, and worldprayerteam.org, a global prayer network. He graduated from Oral Roberts University in 1978. During the commencement ceremony, CCU president Dr. Larry Donnithorne presented Pastor Haggard with an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree for his work and service.
Brad Meuli, president and CEO of the Denver Rescue Mission, was also honored in the ceremony with an honorary Doctor of Humanities degree for his commitment to the Denver community.
During this year's ceremony, CCU also honored the heritage of the University by awarding the Distinguished Alumni Award to Virgil Horton, Rockmont class of 1950. Virgil has served on CCU's alumni council and has faithfully served CCU and its heritage schools for over 50 years.
Other commencement speakers included Nathan Bullis, a graduate from the College of Undergraduate Studies who was selected by the faculty to speak in the ceremony and Paula Moss, a graduate from the School of Adult and Graduate Studies. The valedictorian was Joseph Stenberg, a graduate from the College of Undergraduate Studies.
CCU also celebrated the first graduate of its Sons of Sudan program as Wal Biet graduated with his bachelor's degree in biology. Originally known as one of the Lost Boys of Sudan, Biet hopes to begin medical school in the fall of 2007.