Dr. Sid Buzzell Appointed CCU Dean of Theology
Colorado Christian University Professor of Biblical Exposition Dr. Sid Buzzell has been appointed dean of the University's School of Theology, as was announced yesterday by Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Cherri Parks. Buzzell has served as interim dean since June 2008.
In addition to over 30 years of combined experience in college and seminary education, Dr. Buzzell has 13 years of pastoral experience, having planted two churches and served as a senior pastor at congregations in Colorado and Texas. He has spoken, consulted, and provided professional staff training for conferences, universities, and nonprofit organizations in the United States, Europe, Africa, and Asia. He has also published two books and was a general editor and contributor for "The Leadership Bible" (Zondervan).
After receiving a bachelor's degree from Philadelphia College of Bible (1966), Buzzell earned a master's in Christian education from Dallas Theological Seminary (1974), then a master's in higher education administration and a Ph.D. in leadership education and development from Michigan State University (1979, 1983). He has been a full-time member of the CCU faculty since 1997; however, he also served from 1992 to 1993 as director of the University's Christian Leadership program and associate professor of management and leadership. Buzzell also teaches at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Denver Seminary, and Eastern University, and has taught at Philadelphia Biblical University and Dallas Theological Seminary.
"What a delight it is to focus on this ministry at CCU," Buzzell commented. "I am excited to see how God will use this marvelous opportunity to help prepare the next generation of godly leaders. [My wife] and I believe this is God's gift to us, and we thank Him, President Armstrong, and the University community for entrusting this grave responsibility to our care."
"Besides the contributions he makes to CCU and the Denver community, Dr. Buzzell is a person who impacts the global community," Parks added. Buzzell was recently honored with positions on the board of directors of Development Associates International -- an organization that develops leaders in Third World countries -- and Children in Christ, a ministry to children in West Africa.
"I am delighted that Dr. Buzzell has agreed to become our Dean of Theology," stated CCU President Bill Armstrong. "He is an outstanding scholar, great speaker, and a wonderful teacher. He has an international reputation as a writer and speaks all over the world to churches, universities, and seminaries. He is truly God's man to lead the School of Theology."