Denver Post: Colorado GOP Candidates for U.S. Senate Get some Jabs in
The four Republicans vying for a bid at the U.S. Senate spent Tuesday night's candidate forum thrashing Democrats for "out-of-control spending" and vowing to restore the Republican brand as fiscal conservatives.
Topics ranged from health care to terrorist threats, but the loudest whoops of approval from the 250 attendees in the hall at Colorado Christian University were reserved for stern words against spending and in favor of smaller government.
The four took turns railing against Democratic proposals such as a public health care option and the federal stimulus, but they didn't spare criticism of Republicans in power either.
"Republicans are tired of Republicans not acting like Republicans," said Weld County District Attorney Ken Buck. "It isn't good enough to increase taxes and spending Monday through Friday and then preach fiscal conservatism on Sunday."
Read the entire story by Jessica Fender in The Denver Post.