President's Circle Celebrates Year, Looks Ahead
Nearly 300 of Colorado Christian University's donors, friends, and their guests gathered at the CCU Event Center on Friday, September 18, for the 2009 President's Circle Dinner. Held annually, the event celebrates God's provision and acknowledges the unique role of the President's Circle donors, who provide CCU with at least $1,000 each year, who actively promote CCU within their circles of influence, and who regularly pray for God's guiding hand in the University's growth.
This year's assembly was accompanied with entertainment by the CCU Wind Ensemble and University Choir, as well as a keynote speech by Dr. Hugh Hewitt, the best-selling author, Emmy-winning broadcast journalist, and prominent radio personality who formerly served with the Reagan administration. Earlier in the day, CCU hosted the daily broadcast of Hewitt's nationally syndicated radio program, The Hugh Hewitt Show. Airing live from the Beckman Center, Hewitt invited CCU President Bill Armstrong to share his vision for the University with the listeners of more than 120 stations across the country.
Following Hewitt's presentation at dinner, students took the stage for a segment entitled "I Am CCU." Offering the University's prayer and financial contributors an intimate glimpse into students' minds and hearts, the group shared anecdotes on how they have been transformed through their education, how it has shaped their life directions, and how they see God at work in and through the University.
Capping the evening, President Armstrong discussed CCU's newly launched Fund for Beckman Scholars, which was established in honor of President Emeritus Dr. David Beckman and his legacy of scholarship, faith, and care for students. Intended to provide renewable academic scholarships for deserving students, The Fund will in turn enable CCU -- one of the only universities of its kind near the Rocky Mountains and Denver -- to invest in a long-term foundation of students of academic caliber and maturing faith. Total donations received toward The Fund during each calendar year (January through December) will be distributed as individual scholarships applicable for the following academic year, beginning with the 2010 fall semester.
Initially established to raise $150,000, The Fund had already met that amount as of the recent President's Circle Dinner. While onstage, Armstrong thanked people for their generous and timely response, and asked them to prayerfully consider the possibility of increasing The Fund to $1 million by year's end. He added that an unnamed donor had designated a new $150,000 as a challenge-grant; for every dollar contributed to The Fund between September 18 and December 31, 2009, the donor will match it at 100 percent up to $150,000.
Vice President of Development Dr. Keith Wright, summarized the refreshing spirit on campus: "We are experiencing a rising tide of growth, enthusiasm, support, and excellence across all aspects of the University. Over the past few months, we have seen a significant uptick in both the number of donors and total giving to CCU. We praise God for this new momentum and are grateful for the many friends and alumni who have chosen to invest in this life-changing, Christ-centered ministry."
The President's Circle and The Fund for Beckman Scholars are a few of many ways for people to support CCU's mission and growth. Those interested in learning more should contact the Office of Development at 303-963-3330 or CCUDevelopment@ccu.edu.