CCU Newsmaker Breakfast Series Defines National Issues for Business Community
In a continuing move to help clarify the great issues facing our nation's business community, Colorado Christian University hosted today the first in a series of business meetings bringing together key figures in American leadership, local business leaders, and students of the University. CCU President Bill Armstrong, formerly a Colorado senator, and School of Business and Leadership Dean Dr. Gary Ewen hosted the event. More than 100 individuals met at the Glenmoor Country Club to discuss current challenges to our values and the importance of making responsible choices to restore values and economic literacy in our nation.
Today's keynote speaker was Jim Nicholson, the former U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs and member of President George W. Bush's Cabinet. Nicholson focused his remarks on the importance of the current choices Americans have as they go to the polls next month. He stated, "I am one lucky American to be able to stand up and express our values," commenting further that he believes, "We have reached critical mass against the values of those in power today in Washington, and the next election is a day of reckoning for the reckless spending binge we have seen the past couple of years."
Nicholson came to the podium very well-credentialed to hold the audience's attention. In addition to his Cabinet service to President George W. Bush, he served 30 years in the United States Army, with service in Vietnam, and previously held the position of U.S. ambassador to the Vatican. When asked to give advice to CCU students desiring to make a difference and serve their country well, Nicholson simply stated, "Be flexible, be focused, and make every effort to do well." At the end of the morning, he received a standing ovation for his words and service to our country.
CCU intends to convene Newsmaker Breakfasts periodically to create a debate forum of the great issues we face in America.
For information on this event and those planned for the future, please contact Dr. Gary Ewen, Dean of the School of Business and Leadership, Colorado Christian University, at 303-963-3166.