CCU Hosts Live Nativity
Colorado Christian University's Student Activities Office partnered with Westwoods Church on December 2 to offer the second annual Live Nativity Scene on the Lakewood Main Campus. Hosting live animals (including a camel!) and actors, the unique drive-through experience took place just inside the gates of CCU's Alameda entrance. Several staff members from the IT department stood in as the three wise men, and CCU students filled in the rest of the cast on a below-freezing winter night. The actors were accompanied by student volunteers who led caroling, as well as offered hot chocolate and cookies to passersby.
This wasn't the first of CCU's events that have been hosted with the intention of serving the Lakewood community. Along with numerous student ministry hours performed with the hopes of blessing neighbors through performing chores like shoveling snow, raking leaves, and pulling weeds, CCU also offers two other holiday events throughout the year. The University tenders a Halloween Carnival each October for the families of neighboring areas to bring their kids trick-or-treating in a safe environment, and to play fall-themed games created by the college residents. The University also hosts an annual Easter Egg Hunt, hiding plastic eggs around campus for families with small children.
The Nativity scene was a similar effort to reach the community through a holiday-themed event. In a time of constant festivities, the live nativity was a classic, yet special experience that approximately 100 families enjoyed together. About 40 families also parked on campus and took part in the children's activities hosted by Westwoods Church. Kids could make crafts, create birthday cards for Jesus, eat birthday cake, listen to stories, or play games with Westwood church members and CCU students.