CCU Partners with 14 Statewide Community Colleges and Online Programs
Effective immediately, transfer students from 14 community colleges and online programs across Colorado can now complete up to 75 percent of coursework toward bachelor's degrees at the lower community-college price.
The offer is based on an agreement signed late last month by officials from Colorado Christian University and the Colorado Community College System. It states that graduates of CCCS schools (Associate of Arts or Associate of Science programs) will be fully admitted into the adult undergraduate program in CCU's College of Adult and Graduate Studies, provided they wait no longer than 12 months after graduation to apply.
The partnership benefits CCCS students and member schools in several unique ways:
CCU has agreed to accept up to 90 transfer credits per student -- 75 percent of the total required for earning a bachelor's degree from its College of Adult and Graduate Studies -- which means CCCS students can tackle more coursework at the lower tuition of a community college.
In addition to credits transferred from community colleges, CCCS students will also receive additional academic credit at CCU through the Prior Learning Assessment program.
For the CCCS system, largely funded through government grants based on total student headcount, prolonged student enrollment at its own institutions increases financial support toward staffing, programs, and facilities.
As with any college or university, CCU still requires that CCCS transfer students meet prerequisites and regular admission requirements for their intended degree programs. But the University has created comprehensive Transfer Guides to help them plan their community-college courses with that in mind.
"CCU has had a physical presence on our campus for a number of years, and during that time they have provided both high-quality programs and customer service," commented Stanton Gartin, Vice President for Academic Services at Northeastern Junior College in Sterling, Colo. "The statewide agreements will give students throughout Colorado a viable and quality option for advancing their education and careers."
Participating CCCS Institutions:
Arapahoe Community College, Colorado Northwestern Community College, Community College of Aurora, Community College of Denver, Front Range Community College, Lamar Community College, Morgan Community College, Northeastern Junior College, Otero Junior College, Pikes Peak Community College, Pueblo Community College, Red Rocks Community College, and Trinidad State Junior College, as well as Colorado Community Colleges online programs.