CCU Announces Record Enrollment in the College of Undergraduate Studies
Fall semester is well under way, and with the release of the latest census report and campus redevelopment plans, Colorado Christian University has reason to celebrate its exceptional progress. For the 2012-2013 school year, 1,041 students are enrolled in the University's College of Undergraduate Studies, a record high that trumps last year's record of 960 students.
"The enrollment numbers this year not only hit an all-time high for CCU in terms of total enrollment and the freshman class," commented Vice President of Student Life Jim McCormick, "but the class continues to be shaped in other academic ways that add to the climate of academic excellence at CCU."
CCU's unique strategic objectives have helped precipitate the rise in enrollment. Instituted under President Bill Armstrong, the strategic objectives, among other goals, call CCU to become a magnet for outstanding students. This objective has been emphasized across the University, with increased marketing efforts, with greater efforts to give students the challenge and support they need, and with rising academic standards.
"Our overall growth has not been at the expense of quality academic students -- it has been enhanced by attracting new records of academically top flight students who, in turn, have added to increased retention," said McCormick.
Retention is often a silent factor that drives greater enrollment. While increasing numbers of freshmen and transfer students seek out CCU, the mass of returning students creates continuity in the community, speaks to the educational opportunities, and allows CCU to sustain growth. In the last academic year, 649 continuing and returning students have enrolled at CCU.
Alongside record enrollment is the record number of those in campus housing. This population has, for the first time, exceeded 600 students; a total of 638 students call a CCU apartment home this academic year. The continued growth has necessitated an upcoming campus redevelopment process. The University is currently exploring ways to grow in its current location in order to better meet the growing needs of a rising population.