CCU Denies Access Request of Gay Activism Group
Members of the Colorado Christian University administration have denied a recent request by leaders of the Soulforce Equalityride (SFER) to visit the Lakewood Main Campus during the week of April 15-19th, 2012. SFER seeks to create "conversation, and spiritual and academic sharing" by bringing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) people to especially Christian college campuses around the nation since 2006.
CCU often hosts lectures, discussions, symposia and debates that include opinions different from those of the University itself. It is, however, the prerogative of the University to determine what events, activities, people, and groups may have access to the campus and for what purposes. SFER does not negotiate for the date of their visit but rather announces to each college selected for its tour what date they will arrive on campus.
In 2006 CCU allowed SFER on campus for a day of sharing of views on the LGBTQ issues. The fact that the day consumed many hours of work on the administration's part in preparation of the visit, that the University is committed to its conservative evangelical stance on the homosexual issue, and the pervasiveness of the LGBTQ point of view in popular culture affords students the opportunity to learn about the group's worldview in other ways, led the University to pass on programming another day on campus this year. CCU is committed to the scriptural interpretation that God created human beings to show forth God's image as male and female in relationship and the biblical ideal is the expression of sexuality within a heterosexual, lifelong, monogamous union.
In the past, colleges that have not engaged in the Soulforce visit have been subjected to demonstration by the group. The University is currently making plans to secure the campus for the week of the proposed visit in April.undefined