CCU Recognized at JeffCo EDC 19th Annual Industry Awards
Colorado Christian University and its president, Bill Armstrong, were honored this morning at the 19th annual Jefferson County Economic Development Corporation (JeffCo EDC) Industry Awards.
The event honors impressive businesses that have proven to be outstanding and innovative. Eleven companies, including Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corporation, Xcel Energy, and Lockheed Martin GPS III, were recognized for fueling the economic vitality in Jefferson County through their creative leadership, innovation, collaboration, and technological advancement.
President Armstrong and Colorado Christian University were awarded the "Chairman's Choice Award" which is given to "an individual or organization who has directly affected the economic vitality and quality of life in Jefferson County."
Jeffco EDC is an economic development organization with public and private investors, serving the needs of Jefferson County, Colorado, a community of metropolitan Denver. Created in 1955, Jeffco EDC is the oldest economic development organization in the state and continues to provide excellence and leadership within the industry. For more information, visit www.jeffcoedc.org.