CCU's Employment Management Services Expanding Successful Program
As college students struggle to find jobs in today's economy, colleges and universities are searching for new ways to show the value of higher education. In this climate, Colorado Christian University has launched a unique program - Employment Management Services - that has had oversized success in finding jobs for students. And the program is now expanding to cover not only traditional undergrads, but adult and graduate students as well.
"We have been more successful than other universities because we are, first and foremost, a service to employers - not students," says Professor Ron Rex, who heads the program. "We form relationships with employers and then find students who will fit their needs. And we put students through a training period to ensure they will succeed."
The comprehensive approach - and the view that an effective jobs program should meet the needs of employers first - has led to unparalleled success. Ninety-seven percent of students succeed in their placements. With over 160 local business partners, CCU is able to place students in paying jobs in almost any industry.
"Students who finish this program have a guaranteed interview," says Rex. "On their own, their résumé may get 8-10 seconds of attention. It's like winning the lottery. With us, almost every student receives a placement opportunity."
"Think about it: we have the talent willing to do the work - with integrity. We've prepped them. Both students and employers have a win/win outcome here."
The program was initiated with a twofold purpose: to lower student debt and ensure jobs upon graduation. Over 400 students have taken part in the program in just three years - an average of over two placements a week. Plus, the program is growing every semester. "We currently have 15% of our traditional undergraduates participating in this program. We're aiming for 25%."
With the option for students in CCU's College of Adult and Graduate Studies to enter EMS, it'll allow adults who are unemployed, underemployed, or switching careers to get new placements while still in school.
"We have partnerships with companies like Anadarko Petroleum, Allstate, Real Property Management, and Consolidated Graphics. We provide scribes for Scribes STAT in the medical industry. Companies are always looking for trained, talented, and motivated employees - no matter the economy," adds Rex.
With the expansion of the EMS program, companies will have the chance to get more of those employees from a contact they trust.
For more information on the EMS program, please contact Ron Rex at 303-324-3106.