CCU Sets Enrollment Record in Fall 2013
In the midst of a major campus redevelopment, Colorado Christian University continues to grow. This August, nearly 350 freshmen enrolled in the College of Undergraduate Studies (CUS) at CCU. Coupled with transfer students, CUS is welcoming 421 new students in our fall 2013 semester.
The traditional undergraduate student population is now 1,110, the highest in the University's nearly 100 year history. Such growth marks the need for even greater capacity.
"Students, staff, and faculty create a unique environment at CCU," said Vice President of Student Life Jim McCormick. "I'm told time and time again that CCU feels different. It's welcoming. We're drawing students because of our community."
"And, we're working on a number of fronts to continue to attract top students," McCormick continued. "Our enrollment counselors do an excellent job connecting with local high school students and communicating the benefits of CCU from academic, faith, and leadership perspectives."
Part of the increased stress on academics included the recent World Changers Scholarships-a new initiative that provides a full-tuition scholarship to some of the brightest high school students. Over one hundred highly qualified students visited campus this past year to compete for the award.
Yet, unlike many scholarships, the World Changers is not simply based on GPA and test scores. Three students were awarded the scholarship also due to their involvement with their local communities, proving that they are already 'world changers.'
And it's not just a few students. Over the past five years, the average GPA for traditional undergraduates entering CCU has risen nearly half a point-from 3.2 to 3.6. During the same period, average ACT scores increased from 21 to 24.3.
Once students are on campus, however, an important component to growth is giving them the experience they desire.
"Retention is also a key piece in growing student enrollment," McCormick mentioned. "From our unique Life Directions Center to faculty who are eager to spend time with students outside of class, undergrads are finding that CCU delivers on the college experience they were hoping for."
A new program to aid student retention is CCU's Employment Management Services - an initiative to place students in paid jobs, not internships. EMS has proved to current students that they won't only get an education here, but they'll be able to do something with it when they graduate.
The enrollment in the College of Undergraduate Studies is also combined with over 4,000 students in the College of Adult and Graduate Studies for an entire population of over 5,000 at CCU.
To learn more about CCU's College of Undergraduate Studies, visit: www.ccu.edu/admissions/undergrad/.
The traditional undergraduate student population is now 1,110, the highest in the University's nearly 100 year history. Such growth marks the need for even greater capacity.
"Students, staff, and faculty create a unique environment at CCU," said Vice President of Student Life Jim McCormick. "I'm told time and time again that CCU feels different. It's welcoming. We're drawing students because of our community."
"And, we're working on a number of fronts to continue to attract top students," McCormick continued. "Our enrollment counselors do an excellent job connecting with local high school students and communicating the benefits of CCU from academic, faith, and leadership perspectives."
Part of the increased stress on academics included the recent World Changers Scholarships-a new initiative that provides a full-tuition scholarship to some of the brightest high school students. Over one hundred highly qualified students visited campus this past year to compete for the award.
Yet, unlike many scholarships, the World Changers is not simply based on GPA and test scores. Three students were awarded the scholarship also due to their involvement with their local communities, proving that they are already 'world changers.'
And it's not just a few students. Over the past five years, the average GPA for traditional undergraduates entering CCU has risen nearly half a point-from 3.2 to 3.6. During the same period, average ACT scores increased from 21 to 24.3.
Once students are on campus, however, an important component to growth is giving them the experience they desire.
"Retention is also a key piece in growing student enrollment," McCormick mentioned. "From our unique Life Directions Center to faculty who are eager to spend time with students outside of class, undergrads are finding that CCU delivers on the college experience they were hoping for."
A new program to aid student retention is CCU's Employment Management Services - an initiative to place students in paid jobs, not internships. EMS has proved to current students that they won't only get an education here, but they'll be able to do something with it when they graduate.
The enrollment in the College of Undergraduate Studies is also combined with over 4,000 students in the College of Adult and Graduate Studies for an entire population of over 5,000 at CCU.
To learn more about CCU's College of Undergraduate Studies, visit: www.ccu.edu/admissions/undergrad/.