Hugh Hewitt Broadcasts from CCU's Campus
Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt recently gave his over two million listeners an inside look at Colorado Christian University by broadcasting his daily radio show from the Beckman Center on campus. On April 8, Hewitt interviewed key figures within the school, along with a number of students, showcasing to listeners the unique experience that CCU has to offer.
An opening interview with President Bill Armstrong gave background to how the former senator came to the school: "The short answer is I came because God told me to," explained Armstrong. "The longer answer is that I sat down with key stakeholders within the University, and they confirmed what I was already beginning to think, that God was active here and I should be a part of it."
Part of Armstrong's legacy includes the strategic objectives of the school, and the president noted that not only is CCU dedicated to becoming great, with its Christian and academic commitments, but it is singular for its commitment to Judeo-Christian morals, limited government, personal freedom, free markets, and a Biblical view of human nature.
John Andrews, director of the Centennial Institute, also visited Hewitt's show, and the two reminisced about their shared pasts: they were both speechwriters in Nixon's White House. Andrews articulated the goals of the Centennial Institute - CCU's think tank - to encourage thought and engaged citizenship among students and the populace at large.
Part of that engagement occurs at the annual Western Conservative Summit. "I believe the Western Conservative Summit," said Hewitt, "will become the premier conservative event each year. It is a spectacular event."
Jonathan Finer, a CCU senior and intern for the Centennial Institute, agreed. "We're bringing in Scott Walker, Jonah Goldberg, and K.T. McFarland this year," he said. "And in a push to bring in a younger audience, anyone under 30 can attend for reduced rates, while prospective CCU students attend the conference for free."
Interviews with other students gave listeners a picture of what daily life is like at CCU, with lively debate a regular occurrence. Junior Gabby Schneider spoke of a class debate on gay marriage earlier in the day, which Hewitt led. While the University is unapologetically evangelical and Christian, Schneider noted, "People come with different denominational views within Christianity, and they bring different political viewpoints - which creates great debate within the University."
The show also interviewed students from CCU's rising debate team, the basketball teams, and allowed student after student to note the tight-knit community at the University - from professors to peers - as key to their CCU experience.
Hewitt also broadcasted from CCU's campus in September of 2009, and he was a speaker at the 2012 Western Conservative Summit last June.