Senator Ted Cruz Joins CCU's Western Conservative Summit
Senator Ted Cruz, R-TX, has announced that he will be speaking at Colorado Christian University's fourth annual Western Conservative Summit later this month. Cruz has been a leading opponent of the pending immigration bill, as well as an ardent defender of the sanctity of life and a traditional view of marriage. A possible contender for the 2016 presidential election, Cruz is a rapidly rising star in the conservative firmament.
The Texan, elected as a longshot in 2012, joins Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, and former Florida congressman Allen West as key speakers at the Summit.
"The Summit has become recognized as America's premiere summer conference to discuss freedom, family, faith and the future of the conservative movement," said John Andrews, president of Colorado Christian University's think tank, the Centennial Institute, and founder of the event. "And, it's the only place in the Rocky Mountain West to see and hear from some of today's brightest policy makers, analysts, and journalists."
More than 2,000 participants are expected at this year's Summit, held July 26-28 at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Denver. The attendees hail from 40 states and are comprised of citizens, community and business leaders, and students.
A simulcast will occur on Saturday, July 27, broadcasting the summit to hundreds of participants in Arizona at the Scottsdale Resort and Conference Center.
Other speakers include author and consultant Dick Morris; Colorado congressmen Cory Gardner and Mike Coffman; Fox News commentator K.T. McFarland; president of The Polling Company, KellyAnne Conway; and Utah congressional candidate Mia Love.
For more information or to register for the Summit, please visit www.westernconservativesummit.com.