CCU Partners with Colorado Reads: The Early Literacy Initiative
Colorado Christian University is partnering with the state governor's office for the Colorado Reads: The Early Literacy Initiative. Along with KLOVE and Youth for Christ, CCU will host a book drive drop site until February 14. The school will be a main drop point for new or gently used books, and hopes to gather over 5,000 as part of a larger campaign to distribute 25,000 books to low-income families.
This is a natural program for us as a University, said Ashton Lynch, assistant director for Admissions of Market Relations. It's a great way for us to partner with the community, and to live out our values as a faith-based university.
The Colorado Reads Initiative was spearheaded by Gov. Hickenlooper and Lt. Gov. Joe Garcia, born out of a desire to respond to Colorado's growing poverty. The state has the second fastest rate of poverty growth in the nation, and over 100,000 kids are already living in poverty.
We want to get these students reading, explained Lynch. And I think a comprehensive approach with CCU, KLOVE, Youth for Christ, and the lieutenant governor's office is exactly what these kids need.
One of the best predictors for high school graduation and career success is third-grade reading level. Currently, one out of two children from low-income families in Colorado are behind in third grade.
Other data show that a child from a middle or upper income family can have a listening vocabulary six times larger than a child from a low-income family.
bring books for donation. And current students will be sorting the thousands of books into age-appropriate categories. Combined with Youth for Christ, which is mobilizing students in area high schools, and advertisements on KLOVE, we expect a strong turnout.
For those interested in participating, new or gently used books can be brought to the POD drop-off site near the main entrance of CCU's campus at 8787 W. Alameda Avenue in Lakewood. The POD will be open from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. After hours donations can be dropped off in a bin at the CCU Welcome Center. Please call 800-44-FAITH for any additional information.