CCU's Ron Rex Advises the Department of Labor
Ron Rex, Colorado Christian University School of Business and Leadership Professor of Management and Executive Director of CCU's Employment Management Services, has been invited to engage key management team members at the Colorado Department of Labor on issues of vital importance to the future of Colorado's workforce.
Representing the employer's perspective, Rex advocated for fresh, mutually-beneficial perspectives on the knowledge economy, workforce quality, the emergence of millennials as the core of the workforce, and the causes of and remedies for unemployment and underprepared workers.
Held on March 19, 2014, the expectation is that Rex's broad and directly relevant business experience - from a Fortune 100 senior executive, to founder of a workforce-pipeline firm serving numerous employers, to leader of a unique service matching hundreds of university students to many dozens of Front Range businesses and nonprofits - can help bridge understanding and forge new expectations about what is both necessary and possible for Colorado to remain a top employment center in the U.S.
In addition, Rex will be featured as the opening speaker at the CCU School of Business and Leadership's annual Values-Aligned Leadership Summit (VALS) event held in Denver on April 24, 2014. The topic of the conference will be workforce issues, challenges, and opportunities. Business and nonprofit leaders are welcome to attend this engaging event. Event information and registration for VALS is available online.
The School of Business and Leadership at Colorado Christian University is a practitioner-focused business school focused on jointly serving its students and the business and nonprofit communities to the greatest mutual benefit, now and far into the future.
Employment Management Services was started by CCU's School of Business and Leadership in 2011 to move beyond traditional college placement office structure and focus into active engagement between students and employers, often beginning in students' freshman year and extending beyond graduation.
For more information, contact Employment Management Services (ems@ccu.edu or 303-963-3165) or Cheryl Ratzlaff at the School of Business and Leadership (cratzlaff@ccu.edu or 303-963-3160).