Posted on May 13, 2015
CCU Graduates 100th Graduating Class
Colorado Christian University's 2015 commencement ceremony featured one of the school's largest-ever classes taking the stage at Cherry Hills Community Church in Highlands Ranch on Saturday, May 9.
Over 500 students processed into the auditorium to "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee" - CCU's traditional processional march - and were met by President Armstrong's reminder, which has been a theme of each student's degree program: "God is now calling you to come help change the world."
Each college at CCU chooses a commencement speaker, and Emily Gruner, with a BS in biology, represented the College of Undergraduate Studies. She called the students to remember the first days of school, and how they brought a mixture of excitement and fear. Each student learned quickly, however, that, "you are never as alone as you think you are" - finding companionship with other students and friends and family who have gone before.
Megan Barnard, who had earned a BA in liberal arts with an elementary education licensure, represented the College of Adult and Graduate Studies. "Completing a degrees leads to a better life," Barnard said, "but what is a better life?" She told of her own story and concluded, "Following God's plan makes our lives better."
Greg Stier, who graduated from Colorado Christian College (a forerunner to CCU) in 1988, and is now president of Dare 2 Share Ministries, received an honorary doctorate in humanities for his exemplary work among youth and equipping others to share the gospel. Stier spoke of the familiar David and Goliath story, pulling out a few lessons particularly apt for graduates.
"Smash your giants," noted Stier. "And one of the biggest giants will be that of waiting. This is the number one question David asks in the Psalms: 'How long, O Lord?'" Stier talked about how God provides vision and then takes us to the valley to forge us into people able to live out such a vision.
"Swing your sling," added Stier. "God has made you for the mission he has put in front of you. He wants to use you, so be yourself."
Stier ended his address with an exhortation to, "Shake your world. David kills Goliath that the world may know who God is. You must share the gospel message by attacking whatever you do."
For the graduates, the day was culminated by walking across the stage and receiving a diploma. Over 625 graduates were eligible to participate in the day's ceremony. They were reminded that they enter a new community - that of CCU alumni - and will continue to be surrounded by support wherever they go.
They exited to the "Battle Hymn of the Republic," CCU's traditional recessional melody, aimed at reminding students that as they march on in their lives, God goes before them.