Posted on May 22, 2015
CCU Students Gain a Behind-the-scenes View of Chinese Business
Led by business professor Dr. Kyle Usrey, 17 Colorado Christian University business students will visit China this month. The group will travel throughout southern and eastern China over the next three weeks, engaging the culture with multiple behind-the-scenes looks at how business runs abroad.
"We have two unique opportunities," explains Usrey. "We will visit an artists' village, historically famous for its porcelain and marble crafts, but one that has struggled with 'glocal' competition and market prices. Students will help the village develop an international business plan to revitalize the industry and the local population."
"We also have a chance for students to see the inner workings of a Chinese newspaper. They'll see the operations, visit with the editors and some reporters, as well as explore the philosophy of journalism in China."
Beyond this, students will tour a Geely manufacturing plant in Shanghai. The up-and-coming Chinese automaker bought Volvo in 2010, and is looking to expand into Europe. They'll also visit Shenzhen, near Hong Kong, which is noted for its electronics manufacturing. The area helps produce everything from Apple products to Kindles, Playstations, and Nintendo Wiis.
"This is an immersive cultural experience," says Usrey, who is also an international lawyer. "Students will also have the chance to get to know Chinese students, as we will visit five top tier Chinese universities. We hope to begin building long-term relationships with these schools."
Dr. Usrey will be delivering lectures at the schools, along with CCU's Dr. David Kotter, who will be attending the trip as well. Usrey will also be joined by his wife, Trisa. The couple previously lived and worked in China, and will make use of some of their extensive contacts.
"We'll be meeting former students of mine who now work for HP and Nokia, among others," adds Usrey. "We're also visiting Suzhou, the silk capital of the world."
Students, who are primarily juniors and seniors in CCU's School of Business and Leadership, will have a service learning project at an orphanage, and they will be able to interact with an American-style K-12 Christian school in Beijing.
"Throughout, students will be blogging daily, keeping a diary, writing reflection papers and a final paper," says Usrey. "They have over 300 pages of background reading, but this can count as a graduate level course, too. We have an agreement with CCU's College of Adult and Graduate Studies to give undergraduate students master's-level credit."
The students will find ways to incorporate their Christian faith throughout the trip, from daily worship to reflection papers to interacting with Christians in China. "They'll see believers at universities and meet them in business, getting a view of how to integrate faith and international business. These students will come back changed people."
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