Posted on June 20, 2016
CCU "College of Distinction" for 2016
Colorado Christian University proudly announces that it has been named a College of Distinction for a fifth consecutive year. This ambitious designation makes CCU one of merely five universities - and the only Christ-centered one - in Colorado with this title.
A College of Distinction is a national recognition by education professionals as an excellent college, strongly focused on teaching undergraduates, an active campus with many opportunities for personal development, and highly valued by graduate schools and employers for its outstanding preparation.
"The College of Distinction honor was given to CCU because of our promotion of an atmosphere of spiritual formation throughout the various environments of our community," explains Vice President of Student Life and Enrollment, Jim McCormick. "Whether it is in the classroom or on campus in our other living areas, CCU intentionally links everything it does to who the students are spiritually and how they should turn that back to the glory of God."
CCU students experience a residential community that is engaged both on campus and around the world. There are dozens of intellectual and spiritual opportunities for students to grow.
"I think the honor gives students and families the notion that whatever CCU does it does with excellence and the students' spiritual growth in mind," adds McCormick. "This gives families confirmation that they are sending their children to a place that will challenge them intellectually and spiritually."
The University's educational programs contributed to the title as well. For the past four years, the American Council of Trustees and Alumni gave the University an "A" rating for its core education - placing CCU in the top two percent of schools nationwide. And the National Council on Teacher Quality ranked CCU's elementary education program second in the state.
Being a College of Distinction implies that high school guidance counselors and education professionals highly recommend CCU. It builds upon the University's future. McCormick notes, "It says to our community that we have been noticed by an outside organization as a school who loves the Lord with all we do and provides a venue for students to incorporate that love into every aspect of their lives."