Posted on November 09, 2016
CCU President Dr. Donald W. Sweeting Releases Statement on Presidential Election
Colorado Christian University offers its sincere congratulations to President-elect Donald J. Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence for their election victory last night that confounded pundits and the media alike.
The people have spoken and voted for a major course correction, both in our country and in our political parties.
As a university, we commit ourselves to praying for our country's new president, his transition, and the challenge of filling leadership positions in the formation of his administration. We do so on the basis of the Bible, in 1 Timothy 2:1-4, which says, "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people, for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth."
While populism was a significant part of the Trump victory, we Christians lean back on first principles that inform our politics: That there is a God to whom nations are accountable; that government must be limited because the state is not God; that righteousness exalts a nation; and that true freedom is not essentially everyone doing what is right in their own eyes but is an ordered liberty that both fears God and honors His holy law.
We acknowledge that the sphere of politics, while very important, is not of ultimate importance. The gospel of Jesus Christ must always be our first message. Our ultimate hope is the kingdom of God.
As conservatives, we also acknowledge that conservative principles are not out of date. The essence of conservatism is the belief that politics is a limited activity. The most important realities are realities that are pre-political - faith, family, and culture. As Francis Beckwith recently said in a lecture on our campus, "The future of conservatism hinges on the growing of subsidiary institutions from which conservative thought naturally arises, i.e., churches, families, private schools and universities, and civic organizations." We must attend to the vitality of these institutions.
At CCU, we recommit ourselves to just that. We take no false comfort in the results of this election. In light of our deeply divided nation, and the spiritual drift of many millennials, we believe we still have work to do.
We have work to do, not simply nationally, but regionally, in training a younger generation of citizens at CCU who love their country. As Christ followers, we have an even higher allegiance. We want to see our students extend the gospel and influence of Jesus Christ in all of their unique callings. We want to pass along not just tools of learning but convictions about the importance of religious liberty and conscience, the sanctity of life, and the Creator's design for marriage and family.
In doing so, we must show respect for all Americans - this is essential to our Christian calling, and is critical to moving forward as a nation.
We call to mind CCU's Strategic Objectives, adopted by our board of trustees, which serve as a guiding compass for the University and make us unique as an institution. Colorado Christian University shall:
- Honor Christ and share the love of Christ on campus and around the world
- Teach students to trust the Bible, live holy lives and be evangelists
- Be a magnet for outstanding students and prepare them for positions of significant leadership in the church, business, government and professions by offering an excellent education in strategic disciplines
- Teach students how to learn
- Teach students how to think for themselves
- Teach students how to speak and write clearly and effectively
- Give students significant opportunities to serve our Lord while they are at CCU and to help them develop a lifetime habit of such service
- Impact our culture in support of traditional family values, sanctity of life, compassion for the poor, Biblical view of human nature, limited government, personal freedom, free markets, natural law, original intent of the Constitution and Western civilization
- Be seekers of truth
- Debunk "spent ideas" and those who traffic in them
- Ask God to multiply our time and ability to the glory of His great name
- Be a servant of the Church
- Become a great university
Colorado Christian University's motto is "grace and truth." It is a phrase that comes from the gospel of John (1:14). We know that grace and truth are what our country needs, not only at this time of transition, but at all times. We also know that God is ultimately in control, and we ask that He makes us a people of grace and truth.