Posted on August 19, 2016
CCU's New 3+1 Dual Degree Program To Launch in Fall 2017
Colorado Christian University (CCU) is pleased to announce the launch of its 3+1 Dual Degree program, beginning in fall 2017. This new program offers highly motivated students the opportunity to complete their bachelor's degree and master's degree - in only four years.
According to Dr. Cherri Parks, vice president for Academic Affairs in the College of Undergraduate Studies, "The goal of the 3+1 program is to both lower the financial cost of higher education and to also serve the needs of employers by providing them with qualified graduates, sooner than ever before."
The 3+1 Dual Degree program was first proposed to help academically outstanding students accelerate their education. Students who qualify for the 3+1 Dual Degree program will complete their undergraduate coursework in three years through CCU's College of Undergraduate Studies, graduating with a bachelor's degree. Students will then complete their master's degree coursework in their fourth year through the College of Adult and Graduate Studies.
The first degrees to qualify for the program are a B.A. in Biblical Studies with an M.A. in Biblical Studies and a B.A. in Theology with an M.A. in Theological Studies. "The College of Adult and Graduate Studies has more than a thousand students in theology and biblical studies, so this is a natural fit for the graduate program to partner with the undergraduate-level School of Theology," said Dr. David Kotter, dean of CCU's School of Theology.
"In addition to the Dual Degree program, the undergraduate-level School of Theology is expanding its options to include a Bachelor of Arts in Ministry Management which builds on biblical preparation for ministry with courses in business and leadership." Dr. Kotter continued, "This potent combination will serve church planters who are often dual-career and churches with pastors overseeing operations."
Traditional undergraduate students interested in the 3+1 Dual Degree program must work with their academic advisor beginning in their freshman year to plan their course schedule and complete all bachelor's degree requirements in the first three years.