Posted on March 27, 2017
CCU Professor Greg Schaller Named President of John Jay Institute
Colorado Christian University's first full-time professor for the Political Science major, Greg Schaller, has accepted a new position as president of the John Jay Institute. "I love the history, mission and impact of the John Jay Institute," said Schaller, "and I am excited to bring my skills, interests, passion, and experience from my time at CCU as I lead the organization moving forward."
Schaller joined CCU in 2009 before the University had an official Political Science major. He has played several leadership roles at the University, including developing the Political Science degree program. Since then, at one time or another, he has taught almost all of the courses offered in the major.
Schaller was drawn to CCU in particular because of the University's Strategic Objectives, especially those pertaining to impacting the culture for Christ. "I wanted to help instruct our students on the importance of these principles and prepare them to defend those principles in the public square," said Schaller.
Schaller sees his time at CCU as "indispensable in preparing me to lead the John Jay Institute," because, as he sees it, the goals of the John Jay Institute are similar to those of CCU.
"Our objective in CCU's Political Science major is for our students to learn the philosophical foundations of politics and gain wisdom from the experiences of the great political figures of the past," explained Schaller. "Ultimately, we seek to prepare our graduates to enter the public square, prepared to have a positive impact on our culture. Similarly, the John Jay Institute seeks to prepare young men and women for 'transformational cultural leadership.'"
Dr. William Saxby, dean of CCU's School of Humanities and Sciences looks forward to a partnership between CCU and the John Jay Institute. "Having this relationship with the John Jay Institute will better connect our students with the John Jay Fellows program and our faculty and administration with the Executive Seminars program," noted Dr. Saxby.
Alumni from the John Jay Fellows program play prominent roles in areas of public service today, including serving as elected officials, lawyers, business owners, at think-tanks, as educators, and in the arts.
"Students who are John Jay Fellows live in Christian community while studying many of the great religious and philosophical works of the Western canon, preparing them for whatever lies ahead," shared Schaller. "As the Institute advocates, 'this is essential if Christians hope to have a long-term impact on the transformation of our culture.'"
For more information on the John Jay Institute, visit Johnjayfellows.org.