Posted on February 17, 2017
Dr. Sweeting Inaugurated as President of Colorado Christian University
Thank you to all of those who joined us to celebrate the Presidential Inauguration of Dr. Sweeting!
Over 900 students, special guests, faculty, staff, and friends of Colorado Christian University celebrated Dr. Donald Sweeting's formal investiture as University President during his Inauguration on Thursday, February 16, at 2:00 p.m. in CCU's Event Center. The theme for the ceremony was Colossians 1:17 (ESV), "And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together."
The inauguration ceremony opened with the song "Amazing Grace" - played on the bagpipes as a tribute to Dr. Sweeting's Scottish heritage. This was followed by a procession of delegates from universities involved in the ceremony, accompanied by a stirring rendition of Beethoven's "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee" played by CCU's University Wind Ensemble and sung by the University Choir.
Dr. Mohler - president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary - delivered the inaugural keynote address where he charged the CCU community with the mission to advocate the importance of Christian higher education. "We are at a turning point and it has become increasingly clear why we must hold fast to the idea of Christian education," said Dr. Mohler. "Here on this campus there must be a school that knows why it exists, and for whom it exists, and what it stands for."
During his presidential response, Dr. Sweeting shared his vision for CCU, including the Latin expression Ad Fontes, which means "back to the fountain." Dr. Sweeting declared his mission to help the University remain courageously faithful to Christ. "Going back to the fountain - or source - means returning to scripture for wisdom and life so you can move forward together, with strength. That's how we will thrive as a university," said Dr. Sweeting.
"It's always been a privilege to be a part of CCU as a member of the board of trustees. But now it's an honor and a privilege to be your president." Dr. Sweeting continued, "I'm excited to be here and to help train up a new generation of Christian leaders who work for the glory of God and for Christ's kingdom. I love CCU and I believe in its mission."
Dr. Sweeting went on to discuss his vision for CCU to prepare as many students as possible to spread the love of Christ in all they do, as well as his vision for finishing the construction on CCU's Lakewood campus.
Sweeting, a long-time trustee of CCU, was appointed by the board of trustees as the president of the University on August 2, 2016. The nationwide search for a new president began in February 2016, after Bill Armstrong, president of CCU from 2006-2016, had announced his intention to retire. President Sweeting formally joined the CCU community on October 1, 2016.
Preparation for the inauguration celebration began on January 16, 2017 with the CCU community gathering together in prayer for the 30 days leading up to President Sweeting's Inauguration. The prayers focused on adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication, with the specific intention of thanking God for his continued blessings and favor on CCU.
Preceding the inaugural ceremony, the CCU community was invited to participate in a special inaugural forum chapel service. The forum hosted a distinguished panel of speakers discussing, "A Christ-centered university education and why it matters today more than ever," including university presidents Dr. Barry Corey (Biola University), Dr. Albert Mohler Jr. (The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary), and Dr. Philip G. Ryken (Wheaton College).
Prior to joining CCU, Dr. Sweeting served as president of the Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida from 2010-2016. Don regularly preaches around the country and has published numerous articles for well-known magazines and scholarly journals. He also co-authored two books. For additional information about Dr. Sweeting, see his official biography.