Posted on May 16, 2017
New Logistics and Supply Chain Management Degree Programs Offered
Colorado Christian University's College of Adult and Graduate Studies launched a new logistics and supply chain management program that includes degrees at the bachelor's, associate, and certificate levels, and is also available as a minor. The program will start in the spring 2018 semester.
In the field of logistics and supply chain management, the demand for trained professionals exceeds the supply, said Mellani Day, dean of the Business and Technology Division in CCU's College of Adult and Graduate Studies. This is one of the fastest growing areas of domestic and international employment, and is the impetus for CCU offering this new program.
Logistics and supply chain management is the study of the processes around physical distribution and supply of products in both domestic and international settings. The median annual salary for a supply chain manager in the U.S. is $104,482, as of April 27, 2017, with an annual salary range of $92,309-$120,683. The Supply Chain Quarterly cites a recently published job outlook from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics which still expects despite slowdowns in other industries a 22% growth rate in employment of logisticians over the next decade.
Students interested in a career in manufacturing, retail, or transportation services could pursue positions as logisticians, supply chain analysts or managers, warehouse operations managers, or transportation mangers with a degree in logistics and supply chain management. Students in the military would also find themselves at a significant advantage for promotion in the U.S. Armed Forces.
CCU students in a Logistics and Supply Chain Management degree program will learn both theories and practical applications in supply-chain design, decision-modeling, contract and pricing negotiations, international supply chain management, warehousing, inventory, and quality control.
The CCU faculty who will teach in the program have significant supply chain management experience both domestic and international and several have specialized military experience. The program will be integrated with a Christ-centered perspective, preparing students to demonstrate excellence and fulfill high standards in the workplace.
According to Day, The program itself bridges business and technology, and could be a game-changer for adult students who want to change careers. We will teach our students about logistics and supply chain management from A to Z, so they won’t necessarily need to have prior experience in the field to be successful in the program.
This program follows the growth in CCU's science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) program offerings. Added Day, We have some exciting plans on the drawing board as we seek to continue growing CCU's technology programs.
For more information on CCU's logistics and supply chain management bachelor’s, associate, certificate, or minor programs, visit CCU's website.