CCU Moot Court Team Scores Near Sweep at Rocky Mountain Moot Court Invitational
The Colorado Christian University Moot Court team had a strong showing at the Rocky Mountain Moot Court Invitational, taking five of the top eight individual honors and three of the top five team honors on October 12 and 13.
The competition featured 28 total teams from California State University-Long Beach, CCU, Holy Cross, San Francisco State University, The College of Wooster, and the University of North Texas.
CCU took five of the top eight speaker awards with Peter Allevato winning first place, Ben Myer second, Tyler King third, Will Martin fourth, and Janson Requist eighth.
In team competition, CCU’s Courtney Reanier and Requist captured first place. The teams of Ben Myer and Peter Allevato, and Will Martin and Tyler King tied for third place. Michael Gibreath and Gordon Wallace tied for fifth. CCU captured four of the eight quarterfinal round spots.
Twenty-five Denver area judges and attorneys served as judges in the competition. Judge David Furman, of the Colorado Court of Appeals, hosted the quarterfinal, semifinal, and final rounds in the court rooms of the Colorado Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals. The final round was argued in front of Furman, U.S. District Court Judge Appointee Daniel D. Domenico, and CCU Academic Vice President and attorney Kyle Usrey.
Following its dominating outing in Denver, CCU was back in action October 26 as five teams traveled to the University of North Texas for a round robin with teams from the Texas Undergraduate Moot Court Association. Strong individual efforts from Myer, Martin, and Allevato paced the CCU squad as each finished in the top 15 at the tournament.
The CCU squad is back in action November 8 as the United States Air Force Academy is slated to bring six teams to CCU for a tune-up scrimmage prior to regional competitions.