CCU Mourns Passing of Deputy Micah Flick
Colorado Christian University mourns with sadness the passing of alumnus Micah Flick '13, a deputy with the El Paso county sheriff's office. Deputy Flick, an 11-year deputy with the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office, was killed in the line of duty Monday, February 5, 2018 in a shooting that wounded two other deputies, a Colorado Springs police officer, and a civilian. February 5 was his 11-year anniversary with the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office.
Deputy Flick, age 34, was a member of New Life Church in Colorado Springs for 20 years. He and his wife Rachael '14 were married at New Life Church and regularly attended services with their 7-year-old twins, a boy and girl. Rachael leads a 300-member Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) group at church as well.
Deputy Flick was a 2013 graduate from Colorado Christian University’s (CCU) College of Adult and Graduate Studies (CAGS) with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. His wife, Rachael, also graduated from CCU’s College of Adult and Graduate Studies in 2014 with a Master of Arts in Counseling.
A public memorial is set for 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 10, at New Life Church, 11025 Voyager Parkway 80921. Pastor Brady Boyd says he expects “standing room only” in the church’s auditorium which seats 6,000. Friends of the family (Zynen family) described Deputy Flick as having grown up in the church; he served God, first and foremost, but he also served his wife and children, and always guided his family.
On behalf of the Colorado Christian University community, we wish to express our condolences, and promise of prayers to Micah’s family, colleagues and many friends. May Micah find eternal rest and peace in the presence of the Lord he so generously served. Donations for the Flick family can be made through the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office Foundation, 1980 Dominion Way, Ste. 200, Colorado Springs CO, 80918.