CCU Announces New Nonprofit Management Degrees
Colorado Christian University’s College of Adult and Graduate Studies launched a new Nonprofit Management program that includes degrees at the bachelor’s, associate, and certificate levels and is available as a minor.
“CCU attracts a unique student body,” shared Dr. Mellani Day, dean of the Business and Technology Division in CCU's College of Adult and Graduate Studies. “Our students are passionate about philanthropy, altruistic organizations, charitable endeavors, and service to their fellow man. Many of our students plan to or currently work in nonprofit organizations.”
According to Dr. Day, the idea for the new program began after reviewing the needs of students who were in the Organizational Management in Christian Leadership program. “The program was trying to serve two separate student populations, but we decided it was best to make a true Christian Leadership degree for those who want to go into ministry and create a separate Nonprofit Management program for those who want to work in the nonprofit and humanitarian sectors,” said Day.
The Nonprofit Management program will prepare students for roles such as executive director, operations manager, or development manager in a variety of nonprofit organizations. Some areas may include hospitals, educational institutions, organizations focused on the arts and culture, private foundations, environmental organizations, human services, or faith-based organizations.
There is an increasing need for qualified leaders in the global nonprofit sector. “Nonprofits make up the third largest workforce in the U.S.,” stated Bob Brooks, assistant professor and director of CCU’s Nonprofit Management and Public Administration programs. “There are currently over 2 million nonprofits in the U.S. and it’s estimated that there are at least 10 million nonprofits and nongovernmental organizations worldwide.”
Brooks continued, “Effectively managing a nonprofit in a way that is sustainable requires a completely new set of skills in addition to business management. Students in the Nonprofit Management program will learn about nonprofit fundraising methodologies, nonprofit status and tax exemption compliance, resource development, marketing, grant writing, social entrepreneurship, and a nonprofit-specific approach to business intelligence.”
Bob Brooks believes that the new Nonprofit Management program will equip students to lead organizations for causes about which they are passionate. “Christians are famous for saying that God will provide, but I teach my students to pray like everything relies on God and work like everything relies on you,” said Brooks. “Our students already have the heart to create positive change, they just need the education and resources to make it happen.”
For more information on the Nonprofit Management bachelor’s, associate, certificate, or minor programs, visit CCU’s programs pages.