CCU Named One of the Top Teacher Preparation Programs in the Country
Colorado Christian University's undergraduate elementary and secondary teacher preparation programs have again been named among the top in the country by the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ), a nonpartisan, not-for-profit research and policy organization.
NCTQ named 120 undergraduate programs that excel in preparing teacher candidates to meet the demands of their future classrooms as part of a new book, Start Here to Become a Teacher. Using nearly two decades of extensive research in teacher preparation, NCTQ assessed programs on critical, evidence-based measures, including: a rigorous admissions process, emphasis on research-based approaches to teaching reading and math for elementary candidates, content knowledge for secondary candidates, training in classroom management strategies that work for all students, and quality student-teaching experiences.
Of the 872 undergraduate programs reviewed, Colorado Christian University was recognized as a leader in the field.
"CCU faculty and staff are committed to providing state-of-the-art, research-based learning experiences and activities for students to gain the knowledge and skills needed to be an effective teacher in today's changing classrooms," said Dr. Debora Scheffel, dean of the School of Education in CCU's College of Undergraduate Studies. "We have a standards-based, assessment-driven education program that models what students will experience as a future teacher. At CCU, students act on a commitment to integrate their faith in all they do; they model Christ-like values and behaviors in their relationships and roles."
"The universities named in Start Here are exemplary in their dedication to training the next generation of great teachers," said Kate Walsh, NCTQ president and book author. "We commend these institutions for the thoughtful manner in which they've grounded their approach to teacher preparation in what research shows to actually be effective."
Start Here to Become a Teacher is intended to serve as a guidebook for aspiring teachers. In addition to naming top undergraduate teacher prep programs, the book calls out common myths about teaching and what successful teachers love most about their jobs, features an affordability index describing the places where renting an apartment on a teacher's salary is more or less feasible, gives advice on the best courses to take, and provides information on making sure a student teaching experience pays off and on how to land a first job. Learn more at Start Here.