CCU condemns religiously-motivated, hate-filled attack
Over 320 were killed and 500 others were injured in eight deadly coordinated attacks in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday. This was a series of bombings in three cities, focused on those who gathered for worship to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attack.
CCU pauses to remember those who were killed. We grieve with those who are suffering and condemn the outrageous violence targeting Christians for their faith, especially on one of the holiest days of the year.
The bombings in Sri Lanka have once again put a spotlight on the rising tide of violence against Christians all over the world.
According to a Pew Research Center poll, Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world. In recent years Christianity has all but been driven out of the Middle East, the place of its birth. According to Open Doors USA, on average 105 churches or Christian buildings are burned every month. That is more than three a day. In addition, an average of 345 Christians are killed for faith-related reasons every month. In recent months, vandals and arsonists have targeted French churches in a wave of attacks. There have been bombing or burnings of churches in the Philippines, India, and the United States, not to mention the crushing of the church in China, North Korea, and elsewhere.
Unfortunately, the Western media has been largely silent on this issue. When it is reported, it is expressed generically so as not to identify exactly who was killed (i.e. "Easter worshippers") or who did the killing. (i.e. terrorists).
As we stated after the attack on Muslims in New Zealand, CCU stands against all forms of sectarian violence. We stand for the rights of all people to practice their faith freely. We affirm the importance of people of different faiths living together peacefully.
We also believe it is the responsibility of people of faith everywhere to speak out and stand up for each other's rights to freely practice their religion and live in tranquility. The open, free, and peaceful expression of one's faith is the bedrock on which Western Civilization is founded. To violently attack the adherents of one religion is to attack the adherents of all religions.
We place our hope firmly in the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ. While we decry such violence, we stand in the gospel hope that was preached around the world during Holy Week and Easter.
Yours in His service,
Dr. Donald W. Sweeting