Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Elizabeth Nix

Meet Dr. Elizabeth Nix

Degrees and Experience
  • Ph.D., Public Health (Walden University)
  • MSN (Arkansas State University)
  • BSN (Arkansas State University)
  • ADN (Arkansas State University)
Biography and Professional Achievements

Dr. Nix has taught in higher education for 21 years. She is board-certified in Diabetes Education and Adult Clinical Nurse Specialist. She is a nurse researcher and has published many of her studies. Her passion is Community Health and reaching those marginalized populations. She loves to work with the CCU Nursing students in the field, especially in those areas where poverty is prevalent.

  • Manning, Mollie H.; Nix, Elizabeth S. The Impact of Postoperative Patient Aromatherapy on Nurse Self-Efficacy. Journal of Christian Nursing 40(4): p 236-241, October/December 2023. | DOI: 10.1097/CNJ.0000000000001100.
  • Nix, E., Altom, K. (2023) Safety Concerns Associated with Home Care Nursing. Home Health Care Now The Journal for Interprofessional Home Care and Hospice Clinicians,41(3). DOI:10.1097/NHH.0000000000001161.
  • Nix, E., Flannigan, K., Manning, M.(2020) We are in this together: What Do Faculty Really Do with Student Evaluations? Vol. 46,(3). Student Nursing Nationwide.
  • Nix, E. Brown, K.(2020)Knowledge Acquisition: What Do Our Patients Receiving Peritoneal  Dialysis Really Know about Albumin Consumption? Journal of Nephrology Nursing, Vol 47,(4).
  • Nix, E., Anderson, B., Norman, B., Pfriemer, J.(2020).University Student Knowledge of Active Shooter Safety: Do They Know Enough to Protect Themselves? The Journal of Saint Leo University’s College, Vol. 2,( 1).
  • Nix, E.(2018)Improving Health Outcomes for Patients with Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes. Imprint, Vol. 64,( 3).
  • Nix, E.(2017).Hemodialysis Nurses a Most Trusted Profession: African American  Hemodialysis Patients Perceptions of Faith and Nursing. Journal of Christian Nursing, Vol.32,( 4).
Faith and Learning

Nursing is a ministry and being able to share the Gospel and the truth with our Nursing students has been an integral part of what drew me to CCU. The Nursing team is an amazing group of professional nurses. I have the privilege to work and pray alongside both the faculty and the students. I love to facilitate their learning to be global ambassadors and represent this great University.