Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Shane Stone

Meet Dr. Shane Stone

Degrees and Experience
  • Ph.D., Leadership (University of the Cumberlands)
  • M.A., Theological Studies (Midwestern Baptist College)
  • M.S., Criminal Justice Administration (Lindenwood University)
  • B.S., Criminal Justice (Central Missouri State University)
Biography and Professional Achievements

Dr. Shane Stone became the director of the Colorado Christian University's criminal justice program in January 2020. He was given the mission to help modernize and revamp the criminal justice programs, with a special emphasis on improving the existing master of science degree. An entirely re-vamped master's program launched in April 2022. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, Dr. Stone continues to strengthen the criminal justice programs and ensure that they are aligned with CCU's program learning outcomes, strategic priorities, and a biblical worldview.

Prior to joining CCU, Dr. Stone had a lengthy career as a criminal justice practitioner as well as multiple faculty appointments in higher education. Professionally, Dr. Stone has been a municipal police officer, sheriff's deputy, state trooper, and probation officer. He also served in the United States Army Military Police Corps.

Dr. Stone is also an ordained minister and has extensive experience in bi-vocational pastoral ministry.


Stone, S. T. (2018). Preach better sermons. Elm Hill.