After You've Been Accepted to CCU
Congratulations on being admitted to CCU's College of Undergraduate Studies! We look forward to welcoming you to our community and are excited about the contributions you will make during your time at Colorado Christian University. To help you through the enrollment process we have put together some information about being a student at CCU. We hope you find this website helpful as you prepare to experience your faith at CCU.
One you are admitted to CCU, you can begin working through the checklist below. Please review and complete each section in order. If you have questions, you can contact your Enrollment Counselor or the specific office mentioned for each item.
If you plan to enter CCU in the fall semester (August start), please follow the fall dates and if you plan to enter CCU in the spring semester (January start), please follow the spring dates.
Print Checklist- Things To Do Soon After Being Admitted
- Things To Do After Paying the Tuition Deposit
- Things To Do At Least Every-Other Day
- Things To Do By June 1 (fall) / December 1 (spring)
- Things To Do Before August 1 (fall) / January 1 (spring)
Things To Do Right After Being Admitted
Complete your FAFSA (if not already done)
File your FAFSA online for accurate and quick results. Include CCU’s Title IV Code (009401) to ensure we receive your FAFSA report from the government. This year we are asking that families use the Data Retrieval tool when completing the FAFSA application.
Create your CCU Login Credentials
Before viewing and accepting your financial aid package online, you must set up your CCU Login credentials. You will need your Student ID number, which was included on your acceptance letter. If you cannot find it, please contact your Enrollment Counselor. Once you create a CCU Login, make a note of it, as you will need this to log into all of CCU’s systems.
View financial aid package
Once you have been awarded financial aid, you will receive an e-mail advising you to log into Self Service and view the financial aid that is available to you. You will need to accept or decline your awards online. (Use your CCU Login information to log into Self Service).
Pay tuition deposit
If you are admitted to Colorado Christian University and plan to enroll, you must submit a non-refundable tuition deposit (see Tuition and Fees) to reserve your spot and secure your financial aid and scholarships. For your convenience, you may submit the tuition deposit online.
Schedule a Music Audition
Auditions are required for acceptance as a music/theatre major or minor, for participation in any ensemble, and for music scholarship consideration. All audition materials for entrance can be found on School of Music auditions page.
Things To Do After Paying the Tuition Deposit
Pay Housing Deposit and Complete Application and Meal Plan Selection
Because CCU views living on campus as an integral part of a student's complete educational experience, CCU maintains a two-year residency requirement. Statistically, students who live on campus see better academic success and deeper development in their spiritual and social lives.
Housing Deposit
A housing deposit (see Tuition and Fees) is required for students who plan to live in university housing. You may submit the housing deposit online. Please allow at least 2 business days for the housing deposit to process. Please pay your deposit here.
Please note: Housing deposits are 100% refundable if a cancellation is requested on or before May 15 (for the fall semester), or December 15 (for cancellation of the spring semester). Students requesting cancellation for the fall semester on or before May 31 for the fall) or December 31 (for the spring) may receive a 50% refund of the Housing Deposit. Any cancellations occurring after these dates will result in forfeiture of the full Housing Deposit.
Housing Application and Meal Plan Selection
Submit Housing and Meal Plan Application
You will be guided through an interactive application that will help you find the right apartment on campus for you!
Students use the Housing Application to read and sign housing contracts, select meal plans, create a roommate matching profile, and select roommates. On your profile, you will have the opportunity to share your interests and habits with other future CCU students.
On-Campus Residency Requirement Exemption
Colorado Christian University reviews requests for exemptions to our two-year residency requirement for the following reasons:
- Student is 21 years or older at the start date of the academic term for which they are arriving on campus.
- Student will live with parents in their primary residence in the Denver metro area.
- Student provides documentation to support financial hardship that warrants release from the residency requirement.
- Student receives approval from CCU’s Life Directions Center for release from the residency requirement for a documented health accommodation.
If you have any questions about the housing application or meal selection, contact
Create or Upgrade your CCU Login
To register for classes at CCU, students must have CCU Login credentials which help secure your digital identity at CCU, and grant access to CCU e-mail, the CCU Connect portal, and CCU's Self Service.
If you created your CCU Login earlier to view your financial aid award letter, you will need to upgrade your CCU Login to a "student" account by re-submitting your demographic info. (If you have forgotten your password for your CCU Login, there is a password reset link available). After that, you will be directed to some new links to create an official CCU email account.
If you have never applied for a CCU Login prior to your tuition deposit, go directly to CCU Login and submit your information. You will need your CCU student ID number, which is printed on your acceptance letter. If you cannot find your ID number, please contact your Enrollment Counselor in the Admission Office. If you experience any difficulty, contact the IT Help Desk at 303-963-3444.
In order to register for classes, your Emergency Contact Information must be up-to-date. Visit Update your Emergency Contact Information web page and log in with your Student ID number and password. Even if your address has not changed, you must still do this! If you experience any difficulty, contact the IT Help Desk at 303-963-3444.
Course Registration: New Incoming Students (fall)
Once you have paid your tuition deposit you are ready to complete the Pre-Registration Form. The form is available beginning March 1.
Registration for fall semester kicks off with Cougar Days in April: Your Life Directions Center Advisor will contact you with registration instructions for Cougar Days in mid-March.
Students who deposit after the third week in April: Your Life Directions Center Advisor will contact you within a week of receiving the Pre-Registration Form and provide information regarding the next step to register for courses. If you have questions about this process, please contact the LDC.
Please have your final transcript, and/or any scores from exams such as AP, IB, or CLEP, if applicable, sent to CCU as soon as possible so we have the most up-to-date information on previous credits you may be transferring into CCU.
Course Registration: New Incoming Students (spring)
Once you have paid your tuition deposit you are ready to complete the Pre-Registration Form. The form is available beginning November 1.
Registration for spring semester kicks off mid-November: Your Life Directions Center Advisor will contact you within one week of receiving your Pre-Registration form and provide information regarding the next step to register for courses. This process will begin November 15 and continue through the start of Spring Term.
Weekend of Welcome (fall)
We are thrilled that you have chosen to attend Colorado Christian University and are excited about your transition here this fall! Orientation is your first experience and our opportunity to celebrate with you as you join the CCU community. Visit the Weekend of Welcome website for more information about this required event.
Winter Welcome (spring)
New Student Retreat (fall)
The New Student Retreat is the second part of orientation for all new students. We travel to Young Life's Crooked Creek Camp for a weekend to enjoy God’s creation and bond as a community.
NOTE: The New Student Retreat is mandatory for all new students enrolled in INT 101 and INT 102. As such, you are already signed up to attend the NSR if enrolled and grade points are attached to this course assignment.
Learn more about the New Student Retreat.
Things To Do At Least Every-Other Day
Check Your CCU E-mail
CCU offices communicate with students via e-mail. It is important to check your e-mail often and respond when prompted to do so. It is important that you know which e-mail address the University is using to communicate with the student. When you applied for your CCU Login, you were automatically assigned a e-mail address. If you did not change it or forward your e-mail to a personal address, then the official e-mail on file for you with the University is the one assigned to you at that time. You may change your official e-mail or have e-mail forwarded from the e-mail. Many times students will find it beneficial to have a .edu e-mail so they can get various discounts.
- How to find out what my e-mail is and check your email: Log on to Use your CCU Login credentials and you can find out what your CCU e-mail address is even you don't know it.
- How to forward my e-mail to my personal e-mail: Log on to and you can set up your to forward to a different e-mail address.
Things To Do By June 1 (fall) / December 1 (spring)
ADA Accommodations
If Applicable, Request ADA Accommodations from the Life Directions Center
If you had a 504 or IEP in high school because of a diagnosed disability, we encourage you to consider requesting accommodations at CCU. Accommodations may be provided to students with a verified disability that limits one or more major life activity, such as academics, independent living, walking, seeing, etc. The CCU Accessibility and Accommodations website provides helpful information on how to request accommodations, the accommodation and accessibility policies, and the kinds of accommodations that CCU offers.
Please see the Accessibility and Accommodations website to get appropriate forms. We advise turning in this paperwork at the earliest date possible as it can take up to 3 weeks to process your application and set up the appropriate accommodations. CCU is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for qualified students and ensuring equal access for all students.
Things To Do Before August 1 (fall) / January 1 (spring)
Make Final Financial Arrangements
Payment Options include financial aid, FACTS payment plan (FACTS plan must be in place by July 1), check, credit card, and/or electronic check. See our Online Payment FAQ's for more details. Payment arrangements for all semester charges must be made by August 1 for the fall semester and by December 15 for the spring semester. Please see our Payment Options for more information. To discuss your financial aid award and payment options, call Student Financial Services at 303-963-3230 or 800-44-FAITH, extension 3230. You may also e-mail Student Financial Services at
Complete Stafford Loan Entrance Counseling (if applicable)
As a result of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act, all federal student loans come directly from the U.S. Department of Education under the Direct Loan Program. If students are eligible for a Federal Stafford loan (Subsidized or Unsubsidized), they need to complete an Entrance Counseling session. This session covers the rights and responsibilities of a Direct Stafford Loan borrower and is a federal requirement prior to obtaining the loan funds.
Sign Promissory Note (if applicable)
If you have been awarded student loans, go to the U.S. Department of Education Direct Loans website and sign your Master Promissory Note.
Submit Final High School Transcripts and scores for AP, IB and CLEP
Whether you have just completed high school or are transferring from another university, you must submit a final transcript from your high school and the previous institution you attended. Please submit this to the Admission Office as soon as possible. You may use the Institutional Transcript Request Form (PDF) for this purpose. If you are currently enrolled, please request a final transcript be mailed upon graduation or completion of coursework.
Submit the Lifestyle Covenant
Lifestyle Covenant/Statement of Faith
The Lifestyle Covenant is an important part of the CCU culture and expectations for the community. Please the Lifestyle Covenant. You will need to sign the Lifestyle Covenant to attend CCU's College of Undergraduate Studies. By signing this document, students make a commitment to each other and to the University that they will pursue the challenge of living out biblical standards. Additionally, each student must sign the Statement of Faith. Colorado Christian University unites with the broad, historic evangelical faith rather than affiliating with any specific denomination. In this commitment, the University embraces the declarations of the National Association of Evangelicals.
Students must sign the Lifestyle Covenant and Statement of Faith by the Add/Drop date of the first semester of enrollment; however, it is important information that should be reviewed prior to arrival at CCU. Failure to submit the form will result in a hold placed on the student's account, preventing registration.
Complete the Release of Liability Form (fall)
Submit all required health information
All Health records must be submitted through CCU's secure forms portal, which can be accessed online. Please note that this is only accessible by an admitted CCU student with CCU Login credentials. If a student does not have a CCU Login, please go to the CCU Login page. If you are having issues with submitting your forms, please check out this document.
Health Insurance Documentation
Submit your Student Personal Insurance Coverage Form.
CCU Policy states that all traditional undergraduate students at CCU (living on or off campus) carrying six or more credits are required to have health insurance coverage. There is no specific coverage requirement. Medical sharing plans are acceptable. Students playing a CCU sport DO have specific coverage requirements and should also see the CCU Cougars website (and then select "Recruits") for more information.
Immunization Documents
COVID Vaccine Policy:
Students are not required to receive the COVID vaccine or report their vaccine status to attend Colorado Christian University. Please note that some programs outside of CCU may require the vaccine. These programs may include student teaching, nursing clinicals, study abroad, mission trips, etc.
Submit your MMR Immunization Documentation:
The State of Colorado requires college students to have a certified record of two doses of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. Students may submit documentation from their doctor's office.
In lieu of submitting records, students may submit either a Medical or Non-Medical Exemption Certificate. The Medical Exemption certificate may be signed by a physician, nurse, county health department official, or school health authority. You may submit a Non Medical Exemption in 1 of 2 ways. Either submit a Non Medical Exemption form (signed by a licensed Colorado provider) OR complete an educational module required by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Education, after which the required document can be accessed, or submit proof of immunity through laboratory testing. Access to these options are also found within the MMR eform.
Submit your Meningitis/Meningococcal Immunization Documentation:
The meningitis vaccine (MCV4) is recommended by the CDC, the Colorado State Health Department, and the American College Health Association. The State of Colorado does not require that students receive the meningitis vaccine, but the state does require signed documentation that each student or signing parent has read the information about the disease and the vaccination. The student must submit one of the following:
- An official immunization record showing the student has received the meningococcal Vaccine (MCV4) within the last 5 years of the first day of classes.* The meningococcal vaccine may appear on the vaccine document submitted for MMR.
- Meningococcal Vaccine Request form, stating the student would like to receive the vaccine at CCU Health Services.
- Meningitis Waiver, verifying that the student/parent has read information about meningitis/meningococcal disease and has declined the vaccine.
*Please Note: A different vaccine, Meningitis B, is now also widely available. Although it is recommended for incoming college students, it is not required at this time.
Immunization information must be submitted to the CCU Health Services office by the add/drop date of the first semester of enrollment. Failure to submit the required MMR and meningitis vaccine documentation and health insurance coverage information will result in a hold being placed on the student's account. Contact Health Services at or 303-963-3365 with questions.
Submit the Consent to Treat Minors Form
If the student will turn 18 before Weekend of Welcome, there is no need to have a parent/guardian sign this form; however, the parent/guardian must complete the Consent to Treat Minors Form for the students under age 18 to be seen by CCU Health Services.
Optional Resources
Medical Durable Power of Attorney
Some students may choose to fill out a Medical Durable Power of Attorney so that their parents or other adult designee can make medical decisions on their behalf in the event of a medical emergency. If you would like to do that, the student can complete and give to their designee to keep on hand in case of emergency. Please do not return this to CCU—this is for your family files only.
Health Insurance
Below are some helpful links to the health insurance exchange and to Medishare. This is just to help you get started with looking for health insurance if you do not already have health insurance. Please note that CCU requires students to carry health insurance, but does not endorse any particular company/program.
Submit your Student ID Photo
Review Student Technology Requirements
Please check out this website for very important information regarding technology requirements.
Register your vehicle and your bicycle
Register Your Vehicle
Parking is free at CCU, but you do need to register your vehicle each year. All students who wish to park on campus, on the surrounding side streets or in the Mile Hi parking lot, must have a valid parking permit on their vehicle. Please register your vehicle at least a week before you arrive so we have your permit ready for you at move-in. Please submit the Vehicle Registration form. You can also log in to CCU Connect and then go to eforms and select the Vehicle Registration form. Please note that this form is not available to students until they complete course registration for the applicable academic year.
Register Your Bicycle
While we have a safe campus, unfortunately, each year we have a few bicycle thefts. Let's make it harder for these individuals to steal your bike.
- Purchase a good U-Lock. Cable locks are easy to cut. Make sure your bike is safe and make it hard for somebody to steal it.
- Register your bicycle with CCU. To do this, submit the bicycle registration form. This will not prevent theft, but it may help to recover it if it is stolen. Individuals who steal bikes try to pawn them and shops that see the sticker may then be able to contact us.
Check out what you need for textbooks
Barnes and Noble is CCU's textbook vendor. Students may view the books they need for each class by visiting the Campus Bookstore. Please select College of Undergraduate Studies (CUS) on the landing page. There is no physical bookstore on campus, so students should order their books through Barnes and Noble or other means before school begins. If you have questions you can see the FAQ/Support page.
Look at available student jobs
Need to find a job while you are a student at CCU?
You have a couple of CCU resources when it comes to finding a job.
- Off-Campus Jobs
- On-Campus jobs
- Students must be work-study eligible. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Financial Aid at or call 303-963-3230.
Make sure you bring along documentation to complete your I-9, a form required by the federal government! Most people use their 1) passport 2) driver's license and birth certificate or 3) driver's license and social security card; to see a full list of acceptable documentation, go to page 9 of the I-9 form.
Check out what CCU has to offer for your computer!
CCU students qualify for a FREE annual subscription license for Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus (Windows or Mac). Office 365 allows you to access the online version of Microsoft Office and/or to download Office 2016 to your desktop, laptop or tablet, all free of charge! This software package which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, OneNote and more is only available for use while you are a CCU student. Check it out.
Check out our What to Bring list
Wondering what to pack for college. Take a look at our suggested What to Bring List. Be aware that many retailers will offer their own packing list. Some of it may or may not pertain to CCU, so when shopping take along our list and compare. Bed, Bath and Beyond provide a special service for college students: Reserve Online, Pay in Store you can reserve what you want and pick up your items at a store near campus (nearest store is about 5 miles from campus. This is provided as information only. This program is not endorsed by CCU.
You can have packages sent to your new campus address. Please don't plan to have them arrive until after August 1. (8787 W. Alameda Ave., Lakewood, CO 80226).
Take Note of Important Dates
Student Athletes Only
Student athletes should obtain the information on requirements from the Athletics Department.
Having issues uploading documents to eForms?
If you are having issues uploading documents to eForms, please submit a work order with the specific error: Please go to: (this is only accessible by the students with a login)
Select — Category: Technology-Web applications
Select — Subcategory: eForms